Wuruhi And Poara

Hello, I created these two a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to make a couple of giant beasts that could take on my exo-suits, and I just wanted a giant beast lol. Wuruhi (the dark one) was inspired by the Cleric Beast in BloodBorne. And Poara (the light one) was created because my cousin said it would be cool to have a beast that was the opposite of Wuruhi.
These two beings are like the “Great Ones” from bloodborne, they are neither good or evil. However, Wuruhi and Poara hate each other and will attack each other if their paths cross.
These two mocs are basically finished, however I’ll probably clean up their look and add some finishing touches. Also, sorry for my poor camera quality, I suck at taking pictures. :smile_cat:

Anyway, here are the photos or Wuruhi.

You can also have a toa or humanoid moc ride Wuruhi. Also a pic Tahu and Wuruhi about to face off.

Here’s Poara,

Criticism and Comments are welcome. Also do you guys know where I can post moc instructions? I want to post a video of an in-depth look of how to build my exo-suit. Thanks!


OMG these are large and nice! Bit messy in places, as per making larger MOCs, but these are GREAT

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Those are

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The most impressive things about these are the color and the scale. From afar both look very impressive. The only problems I can see is that Poara’s limbs need a bit more covering. Wuruhi is practically perfect. Great work!

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This just looks sweet:

I really like that picture.


These are massive and amazing

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I read Poara as Potara

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Neat MOCs, I like how Poaras more upright and noble appearance contrasts with Wuruhis more bent and hellish appearance.


Nice MOCs.

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I got to admit Wuruhi and Poara both look great.
I can see the resemblance between Wuruhi and the Cleric Beast from Bloodborne.

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Holy crap this is AMAZING

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These are some great looking MOCs!!!

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So… Big… so… EPIC!

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These are neato burrito.


Amazing. Simply amazing. :smile:

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Large, nice, and messy. 9.9/10

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Very impressive concepts. Rather cluttery appearance, but the color schemes appear consistent and I can’t look down upon huge MOCs with such successful pose-ability. Great construction!

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A bit messy, but holy Karzahni! These guys look epic. I’d love to see them fight :stuck_out_tongue:

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Wuruhi looks amazing! His head is way too small, though. And Poara’s torso is tiny! But seriously, these guys are amazing! Loving the detail! :kissing_heart:

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They look like corrupted fusions of the G2 Toa.