The X squad had a lot of work to do on stopping the tear through reality, luckily they had a chance to find the source, track it down and destroy by putting it to sleep, but there was a catch, they had to collect data from 5 portals, but good news one had just appeared outside, bad news was it contained an evil villain with the power to shatter worlds, marrowrath the death-bringer.
The X squad had to fight him, but he was too strong, he thrashed every single member, until two heroes came in, heroes who looked awfully similar to… Titan.
This was a shock to find that there were now two Titans, everyone was glad that marrowrath was now pushed back but this was pretty heavy, even for the X squad, but they had bigger things to deal with, they were one portal down and 4 more to go, but they had a problem, Scorpix had his revenge on the heroes with his new lobster-tech armour and after putting on the mask of control his power skyrocketed.
Now with the power to bend reality a new threat emerged, stealing the power of his killed victims including multiple soldiers, trouble1 and lord krakks, his power was far beyond what it used to be and his healing factor made him nearly unbeatable and similar to humans, his bones break and heal stronger, he is like that only 10 times more superior, that is how he beat pyraxus.
Now he had defeated Pyraxus, diarus was ready for revenge and so he would battle Scorpix only to lose himself, was this truly the end.