And who can blame them?
They walk through Protodermis cemeteries
Zombie Bionicles-
They must have been born that way
So can you hear me?
Can you get hip to what I’m saying?
These Red Star zombies don’t walk this world alone…
Backstory that probably doesn't fit into G1 properly
Xeroth was one of a Toa Team who went to rescue some Turaga, but on their long and difficult journey, he began to question why they should even care about this Turaga or Mata Nui, and why they should bother saving him. a Toa of Iron named Croulus (the rather headstrong leader of the team) decided there and then that Xeroth was a heretic who should be thrown into the sea like the Knarcing bandit he was.
So Xeroth was thrown into the sea, and after drowning was brought to the Red Star. On the Red Star, some Kestora thought it would be hilarious if they gave him a crab arm as a nautical joke.
So now Xeroth has a crab arm, and is trapped on the Red Star. However, recent developments on Spherus Magna may change all that…
Thoughts and opinions appreciated.