
How am i real than

As a figment of our imaginations.

I asure you i am a real toa

A man named Greg disagrees

Is this greg a great being?

Turns out there is a whole Joke Wiki dedicated to Voriki. Why this exists? I don’t know. But it does.

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That wiki is not a joke it is dedicated to me


They just dont know most of the facts so they fill them in as best they can.

Or um umu umu umumumu umu umu

Edited for double post. Love, Indi

Made up.=fake. I win? Unless you haappen to have a 3d printer I guess.

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Yes i have a 3d printer

Then you would be a real-fake set?

Yes, no, maybe, yes

A Bootleg?

Yeah… But im in revieving bionicle so.

You went RIP

Im still a hero

Death cant end that

Then explain to me why 7 is not an upsidedown L

It is a number?

Ah, but you forget. 7 is a PRIME NUMBER!