Yellowryx (Canon Contest #1: The First) UPDATED: Parts and Instructions

Thank you so much


No problem! :slight_smile:

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For those interested, the post has been updated with instructions, Bricklink part list, and a render of the model in Studio. Unfortunately, the program’s missing the smaller spiked ball halves for the mace, and the grenade tips used in the shoulders, so I had to find alternatives.

4 Likes I Managed to make a full version with the spiked club, I figured I’d give it to you.


Nice work, thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

Did you have any trouble with the build? I was struggling quite a bit getting certain parts to line up properly or connect, especially in the upper arms and mace (that chain was really testing my patience).

You did a great job with this, but I should mention that the mace here isn’t built quite right, as it wouldn’t be able to convert to the bludgeon configuration.

Where did you get those parts btw?

Hey, would you consider making a slightly beefed-up version for the Tuyet contest? It’s definitely got a ‘don’t mess with me’ vibe.


I see where you’re coming from with that! I don’t want to re-enter this as any other character, though. Helryx is one of my favourites and too much sentiment was involved in this build for me to re-purpose it, lol. Besides, I don’t think I could use this as a basis for anything nearly as good for Tuyet as DU7734’s Helryx entry.


Maybe it’s just me but I think the canon mask of psychometry can still work with this moc


I got a older version of kryakwa’s pack, the new one is out now, I had alot of trouble but i managed to get everything together.

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Aw you removed it :frowning:

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