I will agree that this MOC does look kinda like an Umarak revamp, but as a MOC itself, the design pretty good, but the back of the thighs need some work. The colours are nice, though the lime could be distributed better, the only issue I see with the MOC’s colours is that it seems to have too much black and gunmetal for a swampy look.
@moa Thanks! @Anaru_LST Oh yeah it does kinda look like Umarak. Oops. @Mechmaster Thanks! @Yveran I should probably fix that. ALSO THANKS @Oniwah Thanks! I am definetly going to fix all of those @TravelerViridi Thanks! (great “joke” btw) @Hutere SOLOMUND YORICK, BORN ON AN INDEPENDENCE DAY. Oh yeah and thanks @LurkingEhlek Thanks!