Your Avatar!

Mines my cartoon self’s headshot. He’s been around a while now, and is pretty much a shape-y stick figure, but he’s fairly original . :stuck_out_tongue:


Mine’s Gadunka. I would have made it my self-MOC, but seeing has how I haven’t made one yet… Anyway, my favorite year was 2007, and Spinax gets all the attention, so I felt I would give some love to good old Gadunka-dunk.


Did anyone else read it in his voice…


Grimlock and the part time job

Oh shoot. What episode was that from?

I know it was season three, but I hardly remember anything from that outside of Only Human, Five Faces, and the Return

It was called Madman’s Paradise. Basically Grimlock and Daniel go to another dimension.

My avatar’s a sprite version of my self MOC, Pakuru, made with the Rayg sprite kit. That’s it. Planning on giving him a full spritesheet soon.

The strange black and green symbol is his emblem :stuck_out_tongue:

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It all started when I started a contract with a creature named Kyuubey…

Not really, I just think Code Geass is a really neato anime and this name wasn’t taken so why not.

Mine is because I happen to like the infected Hau from BIONICLE 2001, and that I’m the Chronicler, so it just looks cool.

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Mine is Ancient because he seemed like a pretty awesome character when I was reading the Bionicle novels.

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Anyone noticed my NEW AND IMPROVED avatar yet? Now it’s a chibi dark mage… WITH SHADES. 'Cause everything looks cool3r with shades.


3 c00l 5 m3, that’s fosho.

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I like Matoro. ~Pyrox


I am a cat.


My is from this picture.

Mine is of my favorite car the lotus exige S. I have love lotus cars since I first saw one in need for speed HP2 in 2003. The one in the game was an Elise but I liked the exige because it is much faster


or are you?

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my profile pic is actually a selfie, so yes yes I am.

you look pretty cool
what do you eat cat food
human food?
or both?
anyways this is getting off topic

Yes to all.