Your bad online gaming expierences

This wasn’t so much bad, but funny in a Negative way.

I was playing some Halo 5, I had a Headset on, muted, and after the match, as everything was rapping up, and two guys began insulting my Fotus helmet, comparing it to something I can’t say on these here boards.

I have one with Terraria.

Me and my friend were on another friends server. We were both Mages, so we built a college/castle similiar to Hogwarts or the College of Winterhold. Then some guys came and shot sand every where with the sand gun. It took days to clean up.

we got our revenge though. Everytime they were about to kill a boss, we would sneak in and kill them, before killing the boss. We got so much loot by doing this we became WAY more powerful then them. We hunted them down, destroyed their base, and trolled them until they left the game. Then we worked on our castle.


I had an experience recently that left a bad, although humorous, taste in my mouth. Instead of telling you what happened, I’ll just leave this here.

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I just had this one a few hours ago, and it’s carried into youtube.

I was playing COD, and this guy sends me a message saying “I know you in real life”
I respond with “Oh really? Whats your last name, and whats my name?”
He replies with “I know you at school”
I blocked him.
Then I went on youtube, and he commented on my comment with “I know you in real life”
Quickly realizing this is the same guy, I say “Whats my name, and whats your last name?”
He replies with “My parents know your parents”
I say “I’m not going to believe you until you say your last name and my name”

That was a few minutes ago, i’m waiting for him to reply.

EDIT: I got bored of trolling him, so I told him to *@#% off.


Every time I play special modes in World of Tanks Blitz and I end up as the lowest tier in a three-tier match, meaning I can’t even damage most of my opponents.