Your bad online gaming expierences

Once upon a time, I was playing in a Minecraft server (incredibly laggy and constantly crashing) and I got the idea to build a water fort which resembled this place called Sealand but bigger. Upon finishing it I decided to implement a fishing dock to catch fish at (living out in the water and all), and I would think the house was isolated enough to avoid being griefed. Though cruel irony struck when a kid dressed in diamond armor stumbled upon my fort, climbed one of the pillars via a stone platform, found me and slaughtered me. He took all my items and I knew I didn’t stand a chance against him since I was wearing iron armor.

This was the last pic I took of it before getting griefed and killed


That sounds exactly like something I would do to any of my friends if I played MC :stuck_out_tongue:


You’re not painting a nice picture of yourself, Leo


What can I say? I work in a watch factory. All I do is stand around making faces! :stuck_out_tongue:


I discovered I could have gotten Halo 2 for my computer for 20 bucks but my operating system is one level too low to run it

I had one guy on a TF2 game who just came in an wrecked everybody with some sort of invincibility hack (or he was just really good).

Never really had much bad happen in Minecraft, surprisingly. Just a guy who went on a rant about my old username (MCenderdude) being a “****ed up chicken nugget.”


What’s wrong with being a chicken nugget? :stuck_out_tongue:


I had a really bad time playing Titanfall online.
Thought campaign meant singleplayer, man I was wrong.
Went into my first game and got killed instantly by a titan.
I then proceeded to try and win a game for a while, it did not work.
My total play time for Titanfall was under 2 hours.


I have two in minecraft. One time I was on a server with my sister and her friend and of a sudden: this random person visitis our land and starts spamming disc11 and spawning silver fish.

The other wasn’t really bad, it was just annoying. I was on my friend’s realm server with two of my friends. they started having an RP battle in my house’s bedroom…

Oh yeah, I just remembered the second time I went to go fight Ornstein and Smough in Dark Souls. So in new game plus, I made it to the boss fight. Cue the two hours waiting for someone to summon. I’m waiting and get invaded. I end up losing. Then I went back and waited again. I get invaded again. But this time I win. I continue waiting and get invaded a THIRD time and win again. After that happened I was finally able to summon someone, but I had to bail because the person didn’t get my message that I wanted Ornstein’s armor. Then I did more waiting and I was finally able to summon someone and get Ornstein’s armor. I wish the Online mode of Dark Souls was a little more polished. A lot of the attempts I made to summon someone ended in failures.

Played a To2 UHC yesterday with some friends.
The guy who was supposed to host hasn’t been online in days, probably lost his internet, so we had to find a replacement short-notice. I can’t blame him, but the replacement host wasn’t too prepared and the server was not made to handle the kind of game we had.
Consequently there was a massive amount of lag throughout the game. In the first five to ten minutes I took seven and a half hearts all at once from block lag fall damage and skeletons shooting through walls. Fun. Plus we found a solid one diamond the entire game.
My teammate and I were about to give up but happened to run across the splatter of our friend who’d burned to death near the surface. She had about forty gold so we healed up and went underground in pursuit of her partner. Didn’t catch him; we got within ten blocks at one point then decided to let him go, because it would be riskier to try and kill him.
Got to 0,0 and found a giant tower. Got scared off by half-diamond fully-enchanted people. More fun.
Hid in a jungle overnight. Decided to wait on the outskirts of center to cleanup the overpowered teams. I rushed into 0,0 but my teammate got lost behind me. I turned around and saw a different team immediately behind me, ran away, my teammate accidentally ran into the team that I saw right as another team arrived… so in the aftermath of that fight, I survived along with one person from a very, very geared team. I started to run through drops and pick up enchanted armor to put on, but he came around a corner two blocks in front of me and killed me. So then there were two people left, one of whom had just become the sole survivor of a fight with about six people.
I suck at melee, pretty good with a bow, so it’s unfortunate that I didn’t get a chance to fight from range.
Anyway, after all that was over, guess who won the thing?
Yeahhh uh… it was the guy that we let go underground.

Much salt.

The one time I played MvC3 online I met a guy who spammed iron mans unibeam.
I promptly sent him a strongly worded message that may or may not trigger a tumblr user.

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But…but that’s not online. :cry:

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Every time I play CoD ever.


You play CoD? Skrub


I’m even worse, I’m a halo and MK player.

Yeah, I’m one of those skrubtubs.


The only online game i’ve played was Transformers universe,and nothing bad really happenned :s

I envy you for being able to play TF:U :L I heard it was okay, but I never got a chance to play it even though signing up for the beta and email at announcement. gg.

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Yeah. t’is alright. the graphics aren’t amazing but the game is fun c:

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Ocasionally I will play this game called Dota 2. My only semi good character is Ursa aqnd once many times, someone randomed him or just beat to pick him, I would then pick some other character I have played like 3 matches with and proceed to be abused through voice chat and text chat. Man can those British people insult a poor MOBA skrub…

One time I was playing some Blacklight Retribution and I got wrecked very hard. Because the Opposing Team had a mech spawn camping. So we couldn’t get out of our spawn areas. It took a quarter of our game to destroy that Mech finally.


worst game EVER!!!