Your experience with The Dream™

Jaller Mahri. And I had a dream last night that I was Hahli from Mask of Light, anc Hewkii and myself were trying to escape arrest in this village and escape to Metru Nui during some kind of sporting event. It was really weird.


You have a wild imagination

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Had a short one last night. The anniversary set released, but it was a dark castle. It used a bunch of old Lego pieces and was completely black. It cost 656 dollars. The one thing that made me want to buy it, was that it included two Teridax minifigures. I knew they’d be super expensive online, but that shouldn’t have justified a 656 dollar price tag.


I dreamed that @Ghid held me for ransom in a bunker. Then @Winger showed up and handed me a suitcase full of money and told me to leave. I stole his car and fled. Then I woke up.


Had The Dream for the first time in as long as I can remember. Classic case of Bionicle on a store shelf, but there was a bin filled with miscellaneous parts. I bought all the Crasts. Then my morning alarm went off and ruined my life


I don’t think this qualifies as The Dream™


That means it really happened


Well, it’s Bionicle related… but I see your point.


It had been a while, but I had The Dream again last night. Some weird thrift store, filled with Lego, some of it free, a lot of eco force. One corner was just bionicle, some sets, some Mocs. I thought I recognized the Mocs, and after I looked them up, it looks like they were @T4k4nuv4’s, so I guess they were selling their collection. Woke up right before I could finish buying.


Heck, if he was selling that, I’d buy it!

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I don’t think any of the Mocs were actually real designs, but man where they good. A couple really cool smaller than mayoral scale warriors, and a massive Ekimu moc with like a raven/halo motif behind him, and absolutely MASSIVE war hammer.


If only that was his canon appearance…
He could then defeat Makuta on his own!

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dreamed that a new bionicle video game came out but it was themed around insects and the villains were cyberpunk humans that time travelled
and everyone hated it


Sounds accurate for if that actually happened.


I had a dream in which I picked up two Skull Warriors and a standalone Ekimu protector


I had a nightmare that I bought myself as a Bionicle character. Utterly terrifying.


It happened again, but this time it was a lot more strange
So i was in a library, reading various books, when i happened across a peculiar volume entitled: “Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: The Cocaine”. I opened this book and read the story about how Greg’s brother was selling drugs. Greg then went to the local newsagents, where he remarked something like “They had the adult magazines laying around the kid’s ones” complete with illustration of said Adult magazines and kid’s magazines. when i realized the “kid’s ones” were just images of Bionicle Instructions, specifically Nuurahk.
There was also some subplot about Greg having cancer, but i can’t remember much about that other than his mother speaking in rhyme in an attempt to calm him down.


Usually people use AIs to come up with stories like that but you seem to be doing just fine on your own


That’s… weird.

I dreamed recently that I had found a box of Bionicle parts in a thrift store. They were all in good condition, but I suddenly found that they had been replaced with Hero Factory parts. Not only that, but someone kept insisting that I’d stolen the parts, and wouldn’t listen, even though I had the receipt. So then I woke up.


Pics or it didn’t happen