Your experience with The Dream™

update regarding this experience i remember the kits name it was the Pegasus and within the time frame between writing that down and this update i had two more encounters

dream two was short and simple visorak invaded earth

as for dream 3 well it had a third party company making a new bonkle toyline sold in mainstream stores with prebuilt figures for people to interact with

Another instance to record from last night. From what I remember I was in a pretty dingy department store. The aisles were about 6-7 ft tall and seemed to go on for an unnervingly long distance. From the entrance, I almost instinctually turned into a random aisle and about 20 ft in there they were. The sets I remember are hard to explain. They were all in boxes, even the sets that seemed a good fit for canister style packaging. Even more perculiar was the striking resemblance to Throwbots (mostly the heads). The artwork on the border of the boxes was that of the 2001 Rahi boxes (the silver border and Technic name). It clearly said Bionicle on the box and the sets looked less colorful than their Throwbot counterparts. Just weird.


I had a dream in which I built a different version of my self moc and me and my brother got new and sealed Toa Mahri Kongu, Hewkii, and Nuparu


I had it a few days ago. It was quite disappointing though, as I had found a huge bin of Bionicle at a thrift store in the dream. I had just taken it home, when I realized that all the connectors in the bin were cracked. Each time I used one of them, they broke. It was highly disappointing, to say the least.


I’ve had it again. And this was definitely a cruel one.

I don’t have any Bricks and Minifigs near where I live in the USA, so my only option is Bricklink. In the dream, I went to an IRL Lego store about 10 minutes from where I live, and realized that it had a whole lot of Bionicle parts. I filled out my bin with parts I needed to fix some old sets and left it on a shelf so I can go back to it and refill it periodically. But on one such trip it was gone, a store employee emptied it, and I was furious, disappointed, and sad.


I’ve had a similar dream recently. I do have a used lego store near me, and I go to it every month or so. About a year ago they had a huge bin of Bio parts. There were clearly enough parts in there for all 6 piraka and at least 4 Barraki (I have none of these). There were also most parts from a few glatorian Toa Metru and more I missed out on. I grabbed about $50 worth of parts for other projects (mainly the Hagah). But left probably another $50 worth of Bio parts and complete sets I didn’t want at the time. I went a week later hoping to find it all again, and the bin was basically empty.

Now I have the recurring dream of going to that store and finding it all again. I grab it all, then wake up.


I had a pretty cool BIONICLE Dream recently similar to the one Bladesman described above. I have been thinking a lot recently about how so many of our societal norms could be completely upended in the event of something sci-fi happening in reality, spurred by a story I wrote a year or so ago. This dream dealt with that. In it, the Brotherhood of Makuta had invaded Earth through a number of Olmak portals, and were staging their armies right in New York City. The primary invasion force was Bohrok (or, more likely, Fohrok), led by Roodaka, and they had taken all of Central Park and were destroying various other buildings and neighborhoods of the city. They had constructed these huge cubes of Protodermis, suspended in the air on skyscraper-tall but improbably-thin stalks, that my dream self knew were nests. They waged a winning battle against the human forces for a time, during which I came to be in possession of live info about the state of the battlefield, so I started a Discord server to disseminate updates to the community. I’m not sure how I knew this stuff but I did. I could see them using Matoran slaves on the outside of the nests but not what was happening inside. Soon, the Toa Mata arrived via another Olmak portal, and began fighting back. The dream ended as Gali rode one of the Fohrok up the stalk of one of the nests to attack from the inside.


I just dreamed that I bought a massive tub of Bionicle, and I was overjoyed. But every time I connected anything with a ball and socket connection, the sockets broke. Then I woke up.

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alright so I think I had the most bizarre one yet

I went to this fictional used Lego store which had a few Bionicle sets in the back, I think they had Turaga Dume and Nivawk, 3 Krekkas, Vakama Hordika, about 30 Nokama Hordikas, a couple of Rahaga and Mutran and Vican. Weird part was that I already have all the sets mentioned, so I don’t know why I was dreaming about buying them. Weirder still was the fact that all of Nivawk’s black pieces were dark blue for some reason and there were also these three Roodaka sets, all of which were in Ancient’s colour scheme and had Rahkshi heads.

I opened the box for Mutran and Vican and found that there was a third figure inside, who was apparently Mutran’s wife. Also in the box was Malum (?) and a sealed bag containing 6 shadow leeches, some hoses and some black length 3 pins, which belonged to the wife figure. I made the purchase and then went down into a random garden, before my uncle jumped down from a roof and emptied about 50 further shadow leeches into the box.

I can still mostly remember the wife’s construction, so I’ll see about making a physical model of her.


Everything is pretty normal except for this part:

And the 30 Nokamas


I never was into Lego shop when Bionicles were out, so I dreamt about sacind hand shop full of different Bionicle stuff. Happened recently. Why psychologist, though. Isn’t it normal to dream about getting back things you really want, affordable bionicles? Some people dream about food and are not happy to wake up in the middle.


yeah, Mutran’s wife is absolutely normal


Well it is just an expanded set, but yeah, but Mutran being married is not really normal.


I dreamed that I was building massive Hero Factory and Bionicle figures last night. Then I woke up and realized that the stuff I had made didn’t exist at all.


I think the implication was that Vican was their son


Oh that is interesting.


Love is canon confirmed???


For my part, my dreams are always the same with some variants: I walk gently in the same dreamed unique “small” toy store and they get a part full of shelves of canisters and boxes of Bionicle. I saw re-editions of new models and brand new sets, all in the same packaging: the canister boxes looks like modified canisters, black with bright colors for the lid. Sometimes, those sets are revamp or new ideas with old stuff, like a diorama in a display case, showing Takua, Piyuku and Jaller in a jungle, searching for masks IIRC.

On the same topic moreover, it’s happening that I have some weird premonition dreams, like “seeing” some details of games or brands that I like that are not already a thing (like music, covers of games, etc…)
And so I dreamed about a huge robot arm cleary Bionicle-like stuck on ground, reaching the sky on a deserted planet. That was like 2 to 5 years before I saw the Bionicle Reborn movie, where you can see it, in the same point of view I dreamed of.


I dreamed that I was Jaller, and was trying to buy myself at Walmart. Then, I realized that somehow I was purchasing myself and woke up.


Bro, what? :laughing:

Do you remember which Jaller you were?