Your experience with The Dream™

I had it. This time was weird. I had just got home from vacation, and for some reason my younger sister had pulled out all of my Bionicles from their bibs, and put them in the living room. Some were broken, others poorly repaired. I specifically remember a few which had there armor swapped around. It was highly irritating, but luckily I woke up before having to clean anything.


I’ve begun to have the dream on a weekly bases ever since I bought that sealed Toa mata lewa for $1.98


$1.98, bruh I
I don’t even know how to respond to that

I don’t even get deals that good in my dreams


This man is living the dream, was it from online or a thrift shop?


Thrift store.


The best I remember was a Matau for $22.

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I got a sealed Nokama for free


I was talking about a dream by the way.

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well shucks


The best deal I’ve had was a sealed Turaga Dume for $56 without shipping, which isn’t even good :unamused:

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This is not the topic to talk about deals, I suggest we get back on topic.

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@GoodGuy2006 , Very interesting. I’ll occasionally have an animated character appear in my dreams, but they interact with other normal people and objects. When I wake up, I remember them in 2D, but I never have any recollection of them feeling different from the 3D people. So, essentially, I guess I loose all dimensional distinctions in my dreams.

My earliest experience with The Dream (how do you do a TM?) actually didn’t involve a store at all. I was around 9 or 10, and had just recently gotten into Lego Digital Designer, and as a result, had reoccurring dreams of the program being updated with either new or discontinued parts. I remember one in which they introduced a new cloth or rubber element that was designed to go on top of a brick-build squid’s tentacles to make it look more organic.

I’ve also had many more conventional experiences with The Dream. In the last one I remember, I was in the back of a Walmart, with the wines and sodas, and had just grabbed some sort of apple beverage in a round container, similar to the ornament-shaped mini Coke bottles they sometimes put out around the holidays, but glass instead of plastic. I remember having an intense crisis of conscious about weather or not to steal the beverage (which I think was the last on the shelf) when I noticed several G1 Bionicle sets. I specifically remember Tahu Nuva, one of the Kal, Brutahka, and a glow in the dark 2007 titan, though I’m not sure if it was Gadunka or Nocturn. In the dream I assumed (rightly) that I was dreaming. I remember leaving the store, and I don’t think I bought any of them. In some dreams I do, though.

A more common, similar dream is when I’m building and find pieces that either don’t exist, I don’t have, or own but haven’t been able to find in over a decade.

The most recent apperence of Bionicle in my dream was a few nights ago. I was in some sort of fancy Grecian courtyard, which for some reason was beneath a wooden pavilion and surrounded by Tiki torches. I think there was a fountain/koi pond that lead into an artificial river that was crossed by an arched bridge. I don’t remember why I was there exactly, but many people in fancy robes (maybe kimonos) were coming and going. On a pedestal sat a custom Bionicle dragon. It was a kinetic sculpture made from Bionicle and Technic parts that used a complex system of gears and pistons to make the wings flap, and the body move in a snaky motion through the air. I think the wings used cloth elements. The color scheme reminded me of Miserix. I stared at it for a while, trying to decipher the build, but was eventually whisked away for some task.

I should note that this is the first Bionicle dream I’ve had since learning of the “The Dream” phenomenon. I first heard about it in the Nak & Jay discussing the Heart of Bionicle.


yeah, i think mine was like that, but i’m not entirely sure. it was over three years ago.


i have this one roughly every 6 months or so. unlike alot of what i’m reading i usually tend to see new recolors of either 2001-2003 or 2006 pieces rather than old sets

my most recent one was of this long row of translucent organizers in some big box store, full of “girl theme” colored recolors (think pinks, purples, teal). my dream self’s explanation for this was a G2 attempt at the bohrok, but the bins had lots of piraka torsos and shadow matoran feet.

weirdest one i’ve had in recent memory was of a hobby store with tons of mctoran builds in shiny gold and transparent colors, which were being taken inside by the store owner who was muttering slurs under his breath LOL

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Hi folks. Made an account today just to chime in with my memory of a variation of this dream I wrote down in a dream journal from either 2013 or 2015 (handwriting. bad.) which is of seeing a little purple matoran (? or at least some small creature) and a little brown matoran with claws in a Fry’s hardware that was also some sort of a temple. Like, stone bricks, vinery, torch lighting. Only sets on the shelf, but not individual sets––just the same two over and over for rows. Identical cardboard containers, not plastic or metal. Oddly relieved to see so many people having this Dream™. I only remember it now because I hauled myself to the nearest Fry’s at the time just to see if. Well, you know. Alas, no luck.


Just had it, but this time, it wasn’t so much about Bionicle. I was in a store, I’m not sure which one as the layout is not like anything I’ve seen before. The shelves are long and short, about chest height.

At first, I thought I saw Brutaka, but upon closer inspection, it was a Ninjago Jay mech. It was very large. After that point I knew I was in The Dream, so I literally said aloud “Oh well. Let me just enjoy it while I can.” With that, I looked through some of the Lego sets. The only ones I remember, was small boxes that come with two minifigures, and a small build (Some were like ten pieces.)

One thing I saw that was very exciting to me, was a ten dollar Galaxy Squad set. Came with a little bug vehicle, and a red team minifigure. This set was probably the exact same thing that Sakoda built in his topic. I was scrolling through those yesterday so it makes sense.


Nice to know my builds haunt peoples dreams :smile:


Maybe this counts, I’m not sure, but last night I dreamt that someone on the boards posted mini CCBS builds made primarily from translucent pieces that were something like gummi Good Guy Turaga. I remember the light blue one maybe being the first one posted, and the strange thing was that I recognized the street corner from its picture as somewhere close to where I live.


Someone actually do that now

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I’ve just built up something like it.

I may have actually seen something like this recently, but I’m not sure.