Your experience with The Dream™

I just had ‘The Dream’ again about two weeks ago. This time there were mata sets (before that I dreamt about metru ones).


Wait a minute.

I had never read this thread before my post here - how did two different people both dream about gummy Lewa?


Ghid’s manipulation of our psyches.


This has never happened to me before, honestly.
now that I mentioned it it will probably happen


guys this entire time I thought you all were a buncha weirdos

but no

Last night I had The Dream.

I think I was volunteering or working somehow at a local library or elementary school, and they had a bunch of free Bionicle just sitting there. Tons of Kanohi, complete G2 sets, and bulk parts that I conveniently need for a MOC (Gresh Glatorian blades).

it was a formative experience.


I was right. It did happen to me.
I was at this store. Can’t really remember what store, it was like Walmart but smaller. There was this Lewa Mata set with a golden mask that was on the shelves. Every shelf that I looked at there was a Lewa.
It was creepy.


The dream is so powerful it influences even relatively new BIONICLE fans


I just got a silver Miru in a recent bricklink order, and the dream had Lewa in it, so…it might happen again…
Edit: No it didn’t happen.


I had a dream recently where I found a complete Sidorak and The Shadowed One in some sort of thrift store. There were lots of pieces and stuff on different shelves, and nothing had any packaging for some reason. Ended up buying both of the sets but grabbing none of the loose pieces, for some reason.


After a long drought, I got it. It started out as just me and my family in a place that was a mix between an outdoor mall, and a normal one. Many large buildings with multiple stores inside, but you would be forced outside to get between them.

It really started when we walked into a very large store, that was like a Costco or Walmart in structure, but no high shelves or scaffolding. Instead, you had tables and tables with bins full of legos. The bins were on top, and underneath every table in there, with the only exceptions being tables with boards glued down for you to build off of.

Eventually, I noticed a couple Inika torsos followed by seeing more and more Bionicle pieces in other bins. One very strange thing I saw, was a couple simple MOCs I had made here in a previous dream. I didn’t remember this dream until I saw those MOCs again. I brushed all that off rather quickly though.

I continued to look through bins finding more and more Bionicle parts until some random old couple started going through a bin right next to me. They were trying to get something for their grandson, and I decided to convince them that Bionicle was the best option. To my surprise, they actually named off a few sets, with the one I remember being Toxic Reapa.

Best, and most disheartening part right here. I found a translucent lime green Miru in a bin. I kept looking, and found a translucent orange KauKau. I don’t remember the whole process from here, but I ended up with 12 masks in hand. I remember the number, because I knew I didn’t want to buy more than ten for some dumb reason.

Many of the masks I saw don’t even exist, like solid grey Akakus and Pakaris, with the ladder being a very strange design. I also found a mata red version of Onewa’s mask. Of course, like with all my Bionicle dreams, I was running out of time. By the end, I found an additional translucent orange Kakama, and a clear Kaukau. Then I woke up.

Probably the best and most detailed Bionicle dream I’ve ever had.

Edit: I just now remembered seeing a translucent metru green Miru.


Do you remember what the design looked like?


Nope, just that it was different.


I had a dream last night in which I owned bootlegs of Tahu Mistika, Pohatu Phantoka, Protector of water, and some other protector.


For me, it’s almost always seeing reissues of the early canister sets on store shelves or the collectibles in new packaging. The exceptions were a pair of dreams about ‘deluxe’ variants, movie edition Agori with weathering and some 1.0 Heroes that had additional armor and weapons as a bonus.


Hmm. I’m not a fan of part modding, but a little bit of paint wouldn’t hurt…


Iirc, it was closer to paint, pretty much mimicking the model textures from TLR, just in plastic form.


I had a shorter dream where I was in the back of a Fred Meyers store and they randomly had some Bionicle pieces in large bins. The main two things I remember, was that I was about three pieces away from a Kopaka Nuva, and I fully intended to steal as much as I could. For some reason I was convinced that they wouldn’t sell it to me.


Had a dream last night where I found a bunch of 2016 sets and got Gali and Onua Uniter. It took me a moment after waking up for me to realize that it was just a dream.

I had skipped out on the Uniters back in day (read: 4 years ago) because I already had the Masters and thought the line would last a lot longer than it ended up lasting. Had I known those would have been some of the last BIONICLE sets ever, I would have snatched them up. My dream last night only increased my feelings of remorse. :stuck_out_tongue:


I was at the pick a brick part of a lego store, but it had brickonicle pieces. I made many Toa and Matoran, but then I woke up. :stuck_out_tongue:


I always find G1 sets in these weird thrift stores or toy stores that dont actually exist. One notable time it felt like a museum gift shop. Really weird that this is a common thing…