Your Favorite Films of 2014

LEGO Movie
Guardians of The Galaxy
Over the Garden Wall
X-Men: Days of Future Past

To yet watch the rest, waiting for a proper torrent.


thats not a film.

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Shows what you know. Seeing it has 10 episodes that work oh so like a full movie.

Excuse me?
look at this

“Over the Garden Wall is an American animated television miniseries”

it is not a movie, but a miniseries


OMFG, this dude doesnt get it, spits wiki articles at me cause he doesnt XD

It’s a TV show, not a movie.
A good show, but still not a movie.


Again, another one that doesnt get the point. Only the obvious facts (sigh, you people are oblivious)

Oblivious to what? That they go well together?
Like episodes to an overarching story would?
I do believe you’re the oblivious one, who refuses to listen to what other people say and only insists on his own thoughts and opinions being the right one.


I think we should get back on topic now
Right guys?

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That…doesn’t make it a movie in the slightest. It has a overarching story arc, sure, but if it’s shown in segmented parts and directly called a TV series by the series’ producers, it’s a TV series.


Nevermind. Maybe just Godzilla 2014 and TF:AoE. Also maybe How to train your dragon.

Movies I really enjoyed:
Guardians of the Galaxy- The story was on the simple side but for a team introduction movie it was fantastic. (I’ve seen it 8 times already.)
Captain America: The Winter solider- Solid story, great characters, amazing action.
Lego Movie- It was great. Not much else to say…
Big Hero 6- Big Hero came out of nowhere for me and I was surprised at how great this film ended up being.
Godzilla- I know the human characters were a tad boring but honestly I’ve seen worse. Besides the godzilla fight made the whole movie for me.
How to train your dragon 2- Good, but forgettable.


Lego Movie
Big Hero 6
Winter Soldier
Guardians of the Galaxy
How to Train Your Dragon 2
And whichever Hobbit movie was released in 2014.