Your Favorite Music Videos

Do you like musicvideos? Well then, this is the topic for you! Post your favorite music videos here for others to enjoy. Fan made music videos are also acceptable.
Mods: There is another topic about music videos, but the purpose of it was to show off the uniqueness of the music videos that people like. This topic is just for normal music videos, no matter how cliche they are. I found this a big enough difference to make a separate topic, but I understand if you don’t agree with me.

3 Likes I’m sure there’s more I just don’t remember


I discovered this project a couple years back and I honestly love the attention to detail in the video. You can compose a full story just from the tiny details in the video.

Also, the head bobbing. It slowly crawls into your head and draws you into doing it.

The same animator also made a sequel. Just as good:

More head bobbing. Halp

Still waiting for the third part in the project.

3 Likes true art at its finest

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Some of my favorites.


I would also post the video for another song of theirs called “Walk” but the video may not be allowed on the boards.

And, to top it off with one i love because of how weird it is:

(Contains a no no word)

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Little clay fella makin his way. Great video for a great song