"You're safer here than out there."

“Now talk, unless you want to be thrown back into the wastes.”

This took EXTREMELY LONG, but I’ve finally finished this! This will serve as a piece of artwork for a story that is still in the works, by the name of Acid Rain. The character seen above is named Don Capitulum, one of the few authorities left in the wastes.

I’m especially proud of this piece, as I’ve read and studied several pictures and even a full book on the Noir genre, as well as perspective and the like. Please tell me how I can improve upon this!


This is amazing! I really love the skull gas mask!

You have no idea how many clashing revisions I’ve made for that thing :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Well at least it turned out well.

I love it even though I’m not entirely sure what it is.

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Dude this is sooo cool.

Really fantastic work here, man! :smile:

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That’s amazing! My one nitpick is the the left (from the viewer’s point of view) “cylinder” of the gas mask looks slightly out-of-perspective, like it’s bent forward, if that makes sense.

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Thanks, I actually didn’t notice that. Will fix as soon as I can!

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Updated version:


The spot in between the eyes looks a little blurry, but really this is a cool picture.