Zadakh + Whenua Metru Remakes

So I’ve been looking at other people’s MOCs here, and I got inspired to post some pics of my old ones. Bear in mind that these are about 3-4 years old now, and were built with limited parts.

What’s shown here is my take on a remade Vahki (specifically Zadakh). Sorry about the lighting, I didn’t really have natural light.

Side view.

Back view.

Spider mode!

Now we have my Whenua remake. If I remember correctly, this wasn’t originally designed to be Whenua at all. I just started building and it just turned into him.

(because ironically I like Whenua better than Nuju)

Close up of the torso area.

Side view/better view of drill…things…

Back view.

Close up of the back.

Action shot!

Toa VS Vahki!

so yeah thats it. feel free to give criticism and whatnot.


The Vahki is perfect, but it’s obvious Whenua wasn’t supposed to be Whenua. The MOC itself is great. It just doesn’t look like Whenua.

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Yeah, I see what you’re saying there. I think he needs more shoulder width or something.


I like Whenua with his original weapons, but the Vahki looks a bit better than the original. Seeing the interior, I can see that you went with the original body. I wish you could have made the Vahki a little less clunky and more sleek, but it looks good nonetheless.

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I just noticed the connector thing sticking up off the back of Zadahk. While usually I wouldn’t like that, with the Vahki I think it works well, as I can imagine it connecting to a rack to hibernate, similar to the Bohrok

I never thought the Vahki sleep, since they are constantly on patrol…

well, they have hives. they need to recharge somehow


Y u use hordika torso as i did for my remade vahi D: I thought it was original :c

@Chronicler There are always Vahki on patrol, but not always the same ones. Like Matoro said, they recharge in hives.

@Matoro That was the exact purpose of the pin! gratz for spotting that

@Creep sry m8 i didnt no. i cri evrtim


I concur with the general opinion, the Zadakh looks the better of the two. However, I don’t like the Rahkshi piece on his back, it messes things up. Also, if you have Onewa Metru, can you give him Metru arms for better articulation?

Whenua is eh. The upper torso’s technic liftarms look real bad. Weapons look cool though.

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I don’t have Onewa Metru. In fact, I’m pretty sure the only brown pieces I have come from Zadakh, Pohatu Mata, Ahkmou, and that little piece from Vezon. Further more, I don’t really like Metru arms, at least not in the context of the vahki.

Yeah, I don’t like the technic parts on Whenua either. I think I was running out of pieces at that point, and I wanted that area covered.

Wow. That Zadakh is amazing! Great job!

tnx m8

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No worries, i still lik ur Vahi D:

You have inspired me. Thanks!

oh wow, yours is pretty shweet

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I wonder, are these MOCs rip? Or nah?

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Whenua has been RIP for a while now. Needed parts for Commonity MOCs. I think Zadakh is still alive minus his hip piece.


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I like the Zadakh revamp but not the Whenua one