“Horror is looking into the eyes of the Shadowed One, knowing you are about to die…and then being forced to live. Horror is waking each day to see every part of your body moving on its own, a shifting mass of Protodites where once was solid metal and living tissue. Horror is what is in the eyes of your partners when they look at you…and in the cries of your enemies when your swarm engulfs them. Don’t talk to me about fear, creature–I am fear!”
Behold, my rendition of my favorite Piraka - Zaktan, the snake. I made this sketch using a mechanical pencil, eraser, green .04 pen, a black .04 pen, a micron brush-pen (my favorite drawing utensil), and some colored pencils. I had inspiration for how he looks from various pictures, but in the end I think it looks different. Originally it had more detail, but the colors covered them. I drew him as he dematerializes into a cloud of protodites, resulting in a swirling cloud of microscopic Rahi. Comments and criticism are welcome.