I have exact quote from BS01 page on Red Star. (Red Star - BIONICLEsector01) (Following was a part of top section of the page. I removed a link to another BS01 page, because it felt weird to have a link in a quote)
In addition, it helped conserve the robot’s finite resources by reviving its inhabitants when they died: The deceased were transported from the Matoran Universe into the Red Star, where they would be placed in a new body and sent back.
On the same page, in FEATURES section this was mentioned again in more detail.
The Red Star was also meant to keep the population of the Matoran Universe stable. Beings who died in the Matoran Universe were transported to the Red Star, where they would be placed in a new body, and then be returned back to the robot in order to continue working. Beings whose bodies or minds were destroyed beyond repair could not be revived on the Red Star.
This seems to imply that all dead would be placed in new body, and that if the original body is damaged beyond repair, the being would not be revived at all.
Now that I would like to see in a video or game: Zance’s floating, inverted island, with a bunch of Glatorian, Toa, and others staring at it in utter surprise.
I’m really enjoying this exchange of lore ideas but I’m a little confused by the concept of one island floating while the others aren’t? I thought they were just extant of the rocky interior. Wouldn’t they all be attached to the “ceiling” of a flipped MU?
Again, I think BS01 is wrong on that. I’ll admit that I slightly misread the original quote, but I’m still mostly sure that they’re wrong, rather than completely sure:
The initial description only mentions placing beings in a new body, but the first update also states that the original body will be revived if possible.
That’s not how I’d interpret that. If anything, I’d take it to mean that beings are never placed in new bodies; if a new body is an option, why does it matter if the original body can be repaired? All that should matter is the mind.
Of course, that particular piece of information also seems to be incorrect. If you check the particular quote attached to that sentence, it only mentions minds, and says nothing about bodies:
Taking all of this information together, the correct solution seems to also be the most logical one: if the original body can be fixed, it is; if the original body cannot be fixed, the mind is transferred to a new one.
Yes, that’s correct. Maybe “floating” wasn’t the right word.
Zance’s island would still be attached to the interior of the robot, but, unlike the rest of the universe (which has all “fallen up” to the sky, which is now the ground), the island would still have functioning gravity, and I suspect that the ocean around the island would still behave properly relative to the island.
It is quite possible BS01 is incorrect about this matter. However, about the interpretation: when I was saying this:
This seems to imply that all dead would be placed in new body, and that if the original body is damaged beyond repair, the being would not be revived at all.
I was referring to this: (Emphasis added by me)
The Red Star was also meant to keep the population of the Matoran Universe stable. Beings who died in the Matoran Universe were transported to the Red Star, where they would be placed in a new body, and then be returned back to the robot in order to continue working. Beings whose bodies or minds were destroyed beyond repair could not be revived on the Red Star.
As highlighted, BS01 explicitly states that the beings are placed into a new body in the sentence before the sentence in which the claim about the bodies is made, so I still think that my interpretation of BS01 is valid. That does not mean BS01 itself is correct about the matter.
If BS001 is indeed incorrect on the issue, can someone please notify them so it is fixed?
I brought it up on the Discussion page way back in May, but no one’s responded or done anything about it. I could make the change myself, but I want to make sure that there isn’t a reason I don’t know about that the information was left out.
I suppose it could work for the terrain of the island itself, but none of those images really convey the weirdness of the island as viewed from outside of its “range of influence”. I made this diagram to convey what I’m going for:
(Just imagine the water falling up and down really slowly and all majestic-like, due to the conflicting gravity)
Note that I’ve also decided to specify that Zance’s island is in one of Mata Nui’s fingertips. Not only is it pretty isolated from the rest of the universe, but it would have been pretty cool even before Teridax died, since the island would be within eyesight of the Great Barrier (or the rest of the universe’s equivalent) on three sides, making it as close to the “end of the universe” as you could get. Then, Zance’s tech is able to power the life support for the entire fingertip, as shown above by the fact that the far wall is visible.
Also, I have some shorter arm designs for Matoran Zance:
They all have identical geometry, but they have different constructions and flexibility.
The first one uses a double-ball system in the shoulder; while I’m not sure about the strength of the design (since axles tend to fall out of those ball pieces), it would certainly help with poseability.
The second design locks the shoulder together in a stronger way, at the cost of the extra flexibility.
The third design is entirely System-based, and has even greater flexibility than the first, but with similar potential weak points, plus the fact that the armour is attached by a single stud.
I’m not 100% sure which one to go with, and my final decision would probably be based on the physical stability of each design, which can’t be tested in stud.io.
After fleshing out the backstory from @WaterGafna, I decided to take a shot at making the one Toa of Iron that Zance was successfully able to revive. This is Toa Mahrac:
Orthogonal Views
As can be seen above, a large portion of Mahrac’s body was rebuilt by Zance before being fully revived; the only original parts of his body are a portion of his torso and his right arm.
A large chunk of Mahrac’s head is also permanently damaged, which is what allowed him to be revived by Zance in the first place:
This has also had a significant impact on his personality and memory, though he is more than capable in helping Zance with his current and future endeavours.
I had a bit of fun with this, trying to use as many chrome pieces as I could.
I also added as many small details as I could to his exposed internals:
However, while I’m happy with Mahrac’s overall appearance, I’d be hard-pressed to call this a “MOC”, so much as a “representation”. Everything is technically connected in some way or another, but there’s no way this model could stand up on its own, or even be posed without having little bits and pieces come off.
At the end of the day, though, Mahrac’s look is what I was going for, and I think it worked out great (visually, at least).
There’s nothing much new for Zance (left) at the moment, other than that his forearms have been tweaked a bit for a stronger assembly. The main focus of this update, however, is Mahrac (right).
The most recent change which prompted me to make this post the the minifigure torso prints on Mahrac’s legs; the minifigure torso doesn’t come unprinted in Chrome Silver, so I was always limited to the two available torso prints. Luckily, they both fit the build very well, which I accounted for when I first designed Mahrac.
For his hips, I ended up using the TC-14 droid torso from Star Wars, which features some exposed wires and other mechanical-looking details:
His neck is also build differently so as to not have a hunch.
Finally, the Mask of Psychometry tubes have been replaced with thicker and more flexible “soft axles”, and the damaged tube has been rebuilt to look more “patchwork-y”.