While not on purpose, I suppose this is kind of a 10th Anniversary post for Toa Zance. Zance is the second-oldest MOC that I have any evidence of, and the oldest that’s still intact. While I don’t have any pictures of the physical model, I’ve recreated him in stud.io from memory, and have even shared him here before, albeit not in his own post:
Zance’s primary weapon is a large serrated sword, but he also carries a small Lightning-charged tool capable of delivering small electric shocks (or, in layman’s terms, a taser-stick). In one of the few updates to the build, the Zamor launchers that make up his forearms were outfitted with actual firing capabilities around 8 years ago, giving him an additional combat tool.
Even after a decade, I can still remember that Zance was my first foray into making “custom” builds and creative uses of parts, rather than just using the prefab Inika-build parts. This can be seen in the use of Zamor launchers for forearms, Metru heads for hips, and Visorak torsos for shins.
Obviously, though, this MOC has room for improvement, both in terms of articulation and shaping, and that brings us to the main point of this post. I don’t know why it took me so long to think to do this, but I recently thought to remake him in stud.io, with roughly a decade of extra experience and without the limitations of my physical collection (though this remake is still purist):
Orthogonal Views
Right away, I knew what I wanted to keep, and what I wanted to get rid of. The large shoulder panels were an easy keeper, and I managed to get them at a somewhat more natural angle using some funky Technic geometry. As you can see below, virtually nothing in the torso is an a “proper” angle, but I’ve mathematically confirmed that there are no illegal connections:
(And, of course, I kept the Metru-head hips)
Another keeper was the Climbing Claws on the legs, and I managed to make a pretty cool pattern on his shins:
I would have liked to keep the Zamor Launchers in his arms, but the part was just a bit took awkward to make work. However, he still has some firepower in his arms, in the form of small fold-out stud shooters:
Another big upgrade is his hands. Not only does he have double-jointed fingers, but his thumbs have a swivel in the base, thanks to Part 18764:
Of course, both of his Toa Tools also received substantial upgrades. Originals on the left, remakes on the right:
Both iterations of Zance are capable of carrying these tools when not in use:
As big as he looks, the upgrade actually scales pretty well with an Inika build, which tends to be the case for most of my MOCs: