Zarnax - Self MOC

I have had this MOC on my shelf for maybe a month now, and it’s my self-MOC, but for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to do it until now, anyway, here ya go!

Name: Zarnax
Titles: The Titan Slayer, A Useless Adventurer
Species: Matoran
Gender: Female
Element: Earth
Personality: mine! duh.
Equipment: Black Cloak, Computer, and really really big boots.
Weapons: A pair of oversized gauntlets, a stolen scythe
Mask: Kanohi Kualsi
Story Stuff: some random Matoran adventurer who killed a titan once.



I really like the claw weapons and the colour scheme.

That head looks a bit too small for the mask though.

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Pretty female style, but it fells a bit too bulky

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I like it.

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well I spent a full day trying to make a better head design, I tried many things, I even tried making a custom head design, but that didn’t turn out well. so this was the best option /:

The trans bright green almost looks like trans dark green, the I like the MOC a lot too.

you foreshadowing a frog?

I didn’t notice it was a she at first but it works, but I have to ask, why the painted parts for the lower arms?

So did she like kill a titan but no one believed her? is so I like it, adds character.

Also what element is she? you never said and the color scheme could be many.

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I am surprised that nobody noticed my censoreship…

@AwesomeJoel27 she is an onu-matoran, and yes you got the story thing right.

You smell of rainbows and innocence.


twas a joke chilly. cause the statement of big boots was correct.

In truth I’m just trying to hide the shame of my brain not functioning when I wrote that XD ima delete my stupid comment now…

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best part is I labeled that under ‘equipment’

Well I mean where else would boots classify as :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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