
Zeksfdadnfhjdh sister

please no hate comments people

anything bad will be flagged this gets my constant attention


What in the name of…

I have nothing to say. I literally can’t even know right now. wat.


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I know what it is. Like… I just… I can’t even. I literally can not even.


Oh my goodness
I thought people would understand it

P.S wouldn’t it be funny if @Spider-Ven did a review on this

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no, it would be a clear sign of the end of humanity

I kind of like some of your more recent MOCs, but what even is this?.. never mind, the more important question is why


oh my, I thought all the zeksfdadhfhj parodies were bad enough, please I hope this one doesn’t inspire more parody mocs


too late


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What is the backstory of these creatures? What is the name of the species? I’d love to hear your ideas on it. :slight_smile:


I don’t even?

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Full pic plz

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Well I was gonna make an animation but that’ll take a while so any request

I will make a backstory if this gets unblocked and the other one

This is an interesting build , next time could you please post more pictures ? Thanks

As would my senpai and mentor Deadpool say “Don’t question greatness”


I’d like to say I like it but I don’t even know what it is. Even abstract Mocs you should be able to look at and have some ideas on what it is.

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I think somebody had made a name for their species on the original topic (Was it @SwagMeister?) that started with a kw or something.
I think the guy who made seek-alpha decided it looked like a rocket-space-lizard creature.
I like that idea.

More pics plz.

All I can see is that it’s a mess of parts.

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Anoter member of the Zeksfdadnfhj family! :grin:

“This is probably your best proportioned female MOC.”