Updated Rules at post 150!
Note: This is not supposed to be taken as offensive or aggressive movement against @Toa_of_red_pins It is simply project made for fun… So here is the deal, we will make a Zeksfdadnfhjdh MOC for each letter of greek alphabet. Also, thanks @MillsyAce for inspiring me to create this.
Here are the rules.
1-The MOC, through joke, must look at least somewhat decent.
2-Due to limited slots, only one entry per user.
3-Name of the MOC must contain a letter of greek alphabet
4-Do not shame other’s MOCs
5-Try staying as close to the original ideas as you can and do not copy other users.
6-Omega Zeksfdadnfhjdh should look outstanding and inspired.
1-ALPHA- @MillsyAce - Finished
2-BETA- @Hafynx
3-GAMMA- @Rota_Lorem - Finished
4-DELTA- @Pak - Finished
5-EPSILON- @Xing1870 - Finished
6-ZETA- @Looch
7-ETA- @darkbrick999
8-THETA- @Arsenic
9-IOTA- @AdamusTheFirst
10-KAPPA- @Sammythekat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - Finished
11-LAMBDA- @Leoxandar
12-MU- @Silver_Falcon
13-NU- @ChaoticTempleKnight
14-KSI- @Zero
15-OMICRON- @Lobstroke
16-PI- @ToaVoriki
17-RHO- @Rockho
18-SIGMA- @Khalsa721
19-TAU- @Radiation-7901
20-UPSILON @GIF_Man_Ben - Finished
21-PHI- @TheMoltenKing - Finished, requires update
22-CHI- @StudentScissors
24-OMEGA- @Omega_Tahu
INFINITE- @king328