2059: Big in Japan (RP Topic)

As Kaito stood tip and faced him, he took a step back. “Uh, hey…” He said.

It continued marching, however the smell seemed to have stopped

Kaito breathes in what finally felt like fresh air, and using the powers copied from Void Eater, summoned two pistols, which he used to fire at the Sacrament.

One shot ricocheted of the sacrament’s corroded armour while the other sunk into a tumour-like growth eliciting no response

“Oh right, no pain.” He said, trying to think of what to do next as he took a few more steps back.

Kaito noticed that the fleshy ‘gun’ of the Sacrament wasn’t pointed at him rather it approached with its hand outstretched

Kaito stopped. He very slowly outstretched his own, the guns vanishing.

The faceplate rotated making a sound like rocks grinding against one another. The sacrament placed its palm against Kaito’s

Kaito held still: Half out of wanting to appear friendly, and half out of petrifying fear.

The Sacrament clasped it’s hard shut with it’s blade-like claws shearing through flesh and sinew

Kaito rips his hand back in pain, stumbling in a shocked daze, holding his hand and screaming in pain. He could feel his head getting lighter.

At this point, Shouya leaped up from his hiding spot. He didn’t think he really had much of a chance, but this beast needed to be stopped from killing this man. He fired lasers at the exposed flesh of the Sacrament.

The lasers burned into it but the stench released by the boiling flesh and pus was ghastly. The sacrament acknowledged the new threat by turning and approaching this organic

The organic, albeit in a robotic suit, rose up into the sky, continuing to fire.
It may not be able to feel pain, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t take damage.

Kaito stumbled back more, gasping for breath as he tried to think of what to do. In a split second-decision, he uses the powers copied from VE to make himself a new hand. It would only last until the pocket dimension went away, or his copy wore off, but it was good for now. He waited where he was, on one knee, trying to recuperate the best he could.

Lasers sliced into the flesh and rebounded off the metal the sacrament’s weapon convulsed for a bit before hurling a concentrated blob of the pallid corrosive discharge

Shouya tried to move out of the way, but his one wing was barely clipped, leaving him wobbling midair for a second, before recovering, and firing more at exposed spots.

The sacrament turned away from the rising being as it boiled away some more fleshy tumours, it stomped towards Kaito

Shouya flew to try and be between the two, landing on the ground, extending the blade, and priming the boosters, ready to fight.

The sacrament’s faceplate twirled before it released a torrent of the deadly pus

Shouya leaped out of the way backwards, tackling Kaito out of the way as well. He looked up at VE. “Either help fight or protect this guy!” He called to him.

The sacrament swept its bladed hand at them