A World At War: A Transformers RP

OOC: A little out of order, but that still works.

OOC: I posted at the same time so…

OOC: Well then its a good thing that it still works out.

they dodge Shatter-spring’s shots and fire missiles at him

“Look out!” Maximus fires at the missiles, hitting all but one.

“when did vehicons get good at doing things!”

He yells rolling to the ground in a attempt to dodge it.

OOC: sick aim, shooting missiles.

a green and white jet appears above the battlefield and engages the autobot leader

“they just keep coming!”

Shatter-Spring stands and returns to the turret, now aiming at the green jet.

Maximus growls with frustration. He transforms to robot mode, drops one of his plasma rifles to Shatter Spring, and transformers back into jet mode. “Take this. You’ll do better on the ground.” He then flies off to combat the stranger.
OOC: I thought the turret blew up.

the jet attacks in an elegant pattern

OOC: right, I just didn’t think it through.

“Yeah right! I got my own rifle and I bet it’s 10 times better!”

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Maximus peruses the stranger. “Identify you’re self!”

staying silent it turns around gracefully, and engages Maximus firing a salvo of missiles

Shatter-Spring attempts to shoot the opposing jet but instead just sprays hitting a couple vehicons and Maximus in the foot.

OOC: More like rear thruster.

“Agh!” Maximus begins to fire at the stranger.

OOC: too many posts to keep track of, sorry in advance for any future mistakes.

Shatter-Spring jumps from the roof in a quite acrobatic style. Upon landing he transforms into alt-mode.

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the jet transformers it’s arm and flips Maximus in the air

OOC: Wait, so now you’re a jet with an arm, like something in animated? Also, I’m already in the air.

OOC: no offense to you but what even.

@MaximusPrime stop posting first!/s

OOC: partial transformation, and he grabed his wing spinning it