Ara Proto Toa


It’s just a tad bit lanky and under armored. Also the limbs are a bit crooked. If I were you, I’d try to bulk him up a bit, since it’s supposed to be a toa-like being, based on the title. Is there a backstory or concept for this?


Yes, he is supposed to be a robotic being based off of bone hunters and skrall, and a bit of the barraki. He has lazar vision, super strength, and energy beams

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Awesome job and keep up the excellent work!

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Alright. My advice would be to try to convey that through his physique and armor. Looking at it, it doesn’t really look like it has too much influence from Skrall, Bone Hunters, or Barraki. Try adding some of the armor pieces found on them. In addition, he doesn’t really look like he has super strength. You could try filling out the torso a lot, and bulking him up in general. Also, as an additional tip, put the description and backstory with the photos, so people know what you were going for.

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Thanks, unfortunately the torso connection is extremely loose, witch is why the upper body is so skinny

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you’re mocs are great and dont not let anybody tell you differently


DUDE!! This is way better than your last one! Keep it up!


Custom torso is interesting. Keep it up. And you will get better.

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You should focus on making 1 detailed moc instead of quickly slapping together several


Yup that’s three Mocs in 1 and a half days