Arcana: the downfall

Edward waited as close as he could to the fight while still being safe. Multiple times he considered jumping in and helping, but he had to convince himself Saras could handle it.

Frostvin winces at some of the close calls. “Come on, Saras! You’re better than that sonuva*****!”

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On the tail end of one of the man’s swings, Saras barrels in and slams into his blade holding arm with his shield, knocking him away and off balance. He then hit his hand with the flat of his blade, just enough to knock the blade down far enough for him to bring it right towards his neck at breakneck speed.

And then stop.

“Checkmate.” Saras says through slightly labored breath. “You lose. Now leave.”

Frostvin clapped and hopped off the cart. He walked over next to Saras in case the man tried anything.

Edward let out a heavy sigh of relief, then looked to the stranger.

“That’s right! Get out of here!”
He shouted.

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The man stared intently at them, anger in his eyes, then stepped away, sheathing his blade and shield. He turns and walks off in the direction they came from, silent.

Saras sighs in relief. “Good.” He mutters under his breath. “Let’s go.”

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“Who even was that guy?”
Asked Edward.

Frostvin nods and looks around. “Hey! Robot!”
Quadro turns to the Etherite.
Frostvin says, “We’re leaving. Get Tortwig and the other robot, and let’s go.”
Quadro replied, “Statement: Assistance is needed and will be appreciated. Explanation: I can only carry one, not both.”
Frostvin waved his hand. “Yeah, yeah. Just get 'em on the cart.”
Quadro mumbled something quietly, then picked up Tortwig and set her gently in the cart, then went back and picked up Duo, setting the robot by the Kitmaj. Quadro then jumped up and sat next to Tortwig on the other side. Frostvin turned to Edward. “I dunno, some crazy psychopathic thief who belonged to an edgy gang?”

Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Melissa came out of their hiding place. Alpha brought Reginald from his.

Edward went to give the hook back to Saras.

“A member of the Azarana mercenary clan. He was mad at me, as is the rest, for going back a few years ago to steal that hook.” He points to the Hook of Azarana. “A magical artifact once held by their leader. However, a civil war of sorts had been started a few years ago, and I took the chaos as a way to get this out of the hands of those monsters they’d become.”

“Wow. That’s pretty intense. But what matters now is that you’re okay.”
Edward said, handing back the hook and giving Saras a pat on the shoulder.

Frostvin’s eyes widened. “Oh, wow. That’s some deep trouble, then. You’re gonna have to watch out. It’s pretty obvious that they’re after you.”

He takes it. “Thank you. And yes, they are.” He tells Frostvin. “But he’s the only one. The Azarana only ever send one person to a single target at a time when it comes to in-house missions. Save as many as they can for contracted work.”

Edward went to check on Melissa. He apologized for leaving her and promised he wouldn’t do it again. He then went to check on Tortwig, with child and automatons behind.

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Tortwig was in the cart, still unconcious. Her cuts had stopped bleeding, but her arm was twitching quite a bit. Quadro studied Edward. “Query: can you… Fix her?”

Edward looked at the wound, not daring to touch her.
“I think I have an idea, but first we need to get back to my lab.”

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Quadro processes the information. “Statement: knowledge processed, accepted. Course of action: go to Edward’s lab.”

“It’s not too far from here. We should get moving.”
Edward walked over to Melissa and helped her on to Reginald’s back. He then began walking down the path. Alpha and Beta by Edward, and Delta by Melissa.

Frostvin followed. “Let’s get this show on the road!”

Oliver reboards the cart and waits for anyone else wishing to do so.