Arcana: the downfall

The room lit up, and the spell shattered, revealing a massive golden door ahead, and piles of gold surrounding the group, behind them was a pedestal with a skeleton of a massive dragon resting attop it

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Saras gasped. “It’s…it’s dead.” He was shocked. He then turned to Tortwig. “Ma’am, pardon me, but do you usually hear voices or something?” He asked, wondering how she talked to a dead dragon.

Edward slid down and grabbed Melissa, then went to the door.

“Alright. No time to waste. Let’s get out of here.”

They’d find the door to be locked

“Come on. Come on! I just want to get out of here!”

Frostvin yelled in alarm and shielded his eyes. “Dang it, that’s bright!”

Duo chirped in fascination, and Quadro said, “Nice redeco.”
Tortwig didn’t move, aside from her tail swishing in excitement.
She turned to Saras. “N-no… I swear I heard him!”
She walked to the pedestal and poked it.
“What in the world…?”
Duo whirred concernedly and hovered over to Saras, booping and chirping.

Saras turned to look at him. “Is your creator crazy?” He asks the robot, not thinking it’d respond.

There was more oil at the skeleton’s base

Melissa looked over Edward’s shoulder at the skeleton.

“That’s the monster. That’s the monster!”
She said, completely terrified.

“I don’t wanna be eaten!”

“And you won’t. Not as long as I’m here!”

“It’s dead.” Saras told Melissa. “Don’t worry, little one. Unless bones move, you’re safe.”

Duo spun back in forth slowly, almost as if he was shaking his head.

Tortwig examined the oil, and called for Edward. “More oil!”
Duo flew over to Melissa and whirred comfortingly. He had seemed to taken a liking to the Megalos child.

“I don’t wanna be eaten. I don’t wanna be eaten.”
She repeated. Not noticing Duo.

“Melissa, calm down. That thing can’t eat anyone now. You’ll be fine. Someone go light the oil. I’ll try to calm her down.”

Duo grasped the torch with both claws and buzzed towards the pedastal. Tortwig took the torch and thanked the droid in Kitmaj, then touched the flame to the oil.
Duo watched with trepidation, and Quadro folded his arms.

“I don’t wanna be eaten. I don’t wanna be eaten.”
Melissa cried as she dug herself into Edward’s coat.

“Hey. Its okay. I won’t let anything eat you. I promise.”

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The massive skeleton lit ablaze, and rose, alive, “well, well, well, what boisterous intruders we have here,” it saind in a Stern, female voice.

“Oh that’s not good.”
Edward said under his breath.

“Listen very carefully. Stay behind me, and whatever you do, don’t make a sound. I promise I won’t let that thing hurt you. Understand?”

Melissa nodded and Edward turned around to face the dragon.

“We don’t want any trouble. We’re only looking for a way out.”
He calmly said to the dragon.


Duo zipped back to hide behind Edward, and Tortwig took a step back. She raised her hands. “We mean no harm!”

Alpha and Beta stood confidently at the sides of their creator, showing no fear.

It’s massive head leaned by Edward, “or maybe not intruders, perhaps guests. After all, guests don’t bring snacks,” she adds, that last word had a slight hiss to it, as a tounge if cold fire passes by Melissa’s face.

Duo beeped angrily at the dragon. Quadro stepped towards Tortwig, ready to protect his creator. “Order: cease taunting”