BIONICLE is Officially Cancelled

But it’s pretty obvious why: it didn’t sell well enough.

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Then what makes Gen2 Bionicle different from Hero Factory in that one was able to exist for much longer than the other?

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That isn’t our fault, or the fault of other consumers’, it’s Lego’s fault. They went too safe, and look where that got them. It was a failure in terms of marketing.


Do you think they are aware that it was their fault?

Lego’s a multi-million dollar corporation.
I doubt it.


Or maybe after twelve years the line just got old. It’s no one’s fault really (but I do agree, the marketing wasn’t the best, however I don’t think it would have made that much of a difference.


You’ve got to keep in mind that Gen1 and Gen2 are very separate lines. They may share a name, but they are still very different.

You might as well say that constraction has gotten old if you’re gonna say that the 12 year old Bionicle has as well.


Oh we will. Now there might be some Bionicle content on their channel with the cancellation and all but give it a few months and they will have completely switched to systems themes.


This song perfectly portrays how we feel right now.


Well… I will never forget Bionicle G1 and i will always have the hope in my hearth that one day we will see a continuaiion to bionicle G1. As long as G.F. is alive and Lego still exists, there will always be hope!

It has been a honor be here with you guys, we will never let Bionicle go. :wink:


I think this quote perfectly summarizes the end of G2





So, I wasn’t really into Bionicle when it was canceled in 2010. Gen 2 was what really brought me into the fan base and I ended up colecting the sets. Now that it’s canceled, can someone who went through the cancelling of gen 1 give me some tips on how to cope?


Let’s all agree to stick together, guys.
I for one will never tire of MoCing, or discussing dumb stuff on here. Bionicle may be gone, but the community is still great.


as long as ttv is around, and we keep our hopes up, we will keep being here, but if we split up into old bionicle, g2 bionicle and the new line, its gonna get rough, so let’s eccept that we had a nice and a good and bit of a nostalgic time instead of a ccbs hiatus(-the lego starwars ccbs figures)
let’s be positive about what’s to come and eccept the next line and UNITE as a big comunity with new members, old members, and inbetween
i hope that ttv will go on for years to come, and keep the comunity alive
to a new eara of constraction



I’m wondering what the future of constraction will bring us. If they’re planning another constraction line, then maybe that will have enough energy to keep us together.

Hopefully we won’t have a massive resistance to it like we saw with Hero Factory.

im doubing it. i kinda of think they brough bioncle back as the sawn song to there own ideas in constraction. i think the best we could see is ccbs being used for star wars then maybe a few other things at best. i think its likely it be star wars for a bit and then end…


the no makuta set and the smiley face at the end of their tweet just pour so much salt into the wound. Exo force had a better ending.

I guess I’ll just focus on other things now.


I’ve heard some people talking about having a robot-themed minifigure series. Would that be a possibility?


Ripperonies Bonkle
You died, came back and died again

At least you tried