Brickonicle G3 Elements Poll [Worldbuilding] [Pitch]

Hmm, well this might be an oddity of a sort but I dont see that as a problem. Due to the Toa being the elements themselves, their spirit can mainfest in anyway it wants to. Again, like in Avatar, you had the Avatar being reincarnated each time in a different body and different group of people.

I would make it so that the visual inner representation of the elements would be an unspecified genderous spirit (adorning the symbolic mask from which later tribes took to referenciate the element they worship; the shape of the masks change with each reincarnation but the basic details of each mask are kept withing each reincarnation)…I would essentially make it so that the Elements are called Tahu, Lewa, Gali, Onua and such…however I would make it so that the actual sets (heros, Toa) would be called differently. Their gender (of the elements) would not be known since when refering to the outside hero they would have a male and female voice overlapping effect (or dependind on who is the current hero, the elements would sound ether more feminine or masculine).

They would be adorning similar masks of their respected elements (which would change due to them realising their existence). I would still make the mask relevent as objects of worship, as well as technological objects that would try to create new functions for the user, which would be different or immitating the function of the elements (as a cultural nod to their worship). This depends on how each mask was made and for who.

I think this would make it open for new characters each story cicle, while also being open for characters actually passing on and the elements being reincarnated in new individuals of unknown place of origin and figure.

The Toa of Earth coming from the Tribe of Air would be a drastic thing to happen, which would be open to a lot of different plot points.

Also in the first story you would have a male Toa of Water, while in the next one a Female, similar for the rest of the elements.

To clarify, I don’t mean we need a perfect balance, but give to one is pretty steep.

Well, first reitterating this so I’m absolutely clear on it:

I think a female Toa of fire would be awesome. I firey take the lead “I don’t need no man in my life” sort who’s always one uping Tahu. I think it would pose some interesting dynamics to be introduced after the Toa have worked out their initial differences (cough Tahu and Kopaka cough cough). Also can’t you just imagine how bent out of shape Tahu would get if he got beat by a girl? Talk about an ego slayer.

But then you can’t have old characters interact with new ones… your idea sounds cool don’t get me wrong, but I think it once again is approaching that line of too much change.

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Bionicle never used the boysvgirls trope, they’ve been on equal levels, I’d rather they not bother with it and just show the equality through them not caring.


Not necesseraly, they can always reflect/talk in themselves with their past lives if they need to. having that option available as well.

I’d debate that personally. I think there was some clear rivalries going between Tahu and Gali in Mask of Light. They argued more than him and Kopaka did.

Now it’s really starting to less resemble Bionicle and more Avatar with robots…

I was not disagreeing with you

Because if a plant combusted a Toa of Jungle wouldn’t be able to control the fire. Maybe he could move the plants vines around or something while they’re ON fire. But we can easily resolve that making a different sub-power. The point of this is that the Toa can manipulate their respective element into a different form. So for a Toa of Jungle maybe he could take Plant vegetation and turn it into wood. For Fire and Water they could modify the temperature of their elements. For Earth he could turn the rock into Lava or manipulate metals (or both). etc. However if we DID this than Ice and Water being separate would make no sense because they’re the same thing.
Lava and Earth are the same thing (one’s just superheated).
Fire is a chemical reaction with oxygen

This isn’t convoluted at all. We don’t need Ice. If you’d LIKE Ice to remain that’s fine but there’s no reason.

I’m not trying to define a Toa’s powerset with some pseudo-scientific jargon that a kid wouldn’t care about

I’m simply trying to make it so that Toa can use an ELEMENT and manipulate the forms of that Element.

If you want to go with Ice is defined as “Something cold and solid/the ability to make objects cold” fine but then that’s not Ice. That’s the ability to make things cold.

When I’m saying “Ice” I’m not saying in the sense of something cold. I literally mean Ice. You can go about it however way you want in your version. But honestly, we’re just repeating the same thing at this point. I get YOUR definition of Ice but the power of Cold is not the same as the power of Ice. Just as the power of heat is not the same as the power of fire. If you want to go by those fundamental aspects fine.

I find this whole argument is inadvertently boiling down to “that’s not how it worked in G1”. Got it. But this is G3 we don’t have to conform to that. We can change the fundamental aspect of how the elements work for the Toa and they’ll still be the Toa so long as the world they’re built on feels like Bionicle, their character’s are well developed, and the stories good.

Honestly I don’t even know why I’m continuing this, it’s not like this discussion has any actual affect on G3 (assuming we’re ever getting it…). So I’m done. Agree to Disagree I suppose. This is just getting boring.

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And another one bites the dust. This topic will chew you up and spit you out, I can’t really blame you for leaving. You have some interesting ideas, sadly they fall within the minority.


Hmm, yes I think you have a point there. Even thought this is what I would like the most, I can make another option.

Okey, Idea No.3

Lets make it so that the name Biological Chronicles means greatily again Bionicle and is integral to the story aspect of it.
Im not sure how others felt, but the whole Christian Faber concept made the most sense for even why the line was called Bionicle. I would make it so that the elements reflect the chronicles side of it all.

To me the last words in this video resonate in such a way that I think this is where we should start from when making said elements. “It wasnt just a story about good vs evil. It was a story about Biology. A Biological Chronicle. A Bionicle”.

Make it so that each individual aspect of the narrative and worldbuilding stems from this notion of the decided meaning of the word Bionicle and then branch from there.

True, but mol isn’t exactly the most accurate representation of any of the characters(takuuuuaaaa) and even then, they argue about their elements, not their gender, why miramax decided to ■■■■■ the rivalry is kinda arbitrary, aside from kopaka not appearing in most of the film, they made it feel like tahu just couldn’t go five minutes without insulting someone.

But how the elements work was big part of the world.

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So…the most obnoxious female character archetype known to storytelling?

I’m all for new characters, male and female, but only if they shoot for something beyond the typical Mary Sue/Gary Stu OCs.


Tsundere toa of fire then?

We can go on about this but it’s a really irrelevant argument, I threw out an idea, you don’t agree, that’s done. I was just trying to provide an example of a possible female character that was distinctly different from Gali. It’s not really necessary to the discussion at hand, so we shouldn’t waste time on it.

He’s gone, just leave him alone.

Interesting idea, how do you suggest we do that in specifically relation to the elements as that is the purpose of this discussion?

It was an example, and it’s in line with the general personality of a Toa of fire. Still not really relevant to this discussion.

This has been suggested multiple times and is always met with disapproval.

That depends on if we still want the giant robot concept back again.

If we do, then make the elements reflect all the different types of white blood cell and their functions and/ or several of the most well known pills with which you help an organism and its immune system. Villains would obviously reflect different viruses or bacteria detrimental to the organism.

Again, that depends on if we want the Giant Robot concept still around.

(This doesnt exclude the existence of a natural plantlike worlds since you can have the robot and the natural concepts together).


Here’s the thing, the biggest reveal of Bionicle was the GSR. Most of the fan base didn’t see it coming, and I’m sure some of those that claim they did are lying. Bringing it back would be cool, but when it comes down to it, I think having your biggest plot twist spoiled before you begin is kinda a let down.

Well here is the thing, the plot point is already out there. We can ether make it so that its a “mystery” again until revealed or not a mystery at all, but it will never again be as much of a mystery as it initially was, that part is impossible to recreate with this Giant Robot concept…so a mystery has to come from something else.

(Speaking of which, by even saying a said mystery here, we effectively made it not a mystery anymore)…thats a lot of the word “mystery”, hoboy.

Yeah but in this case we’re pretending to be Lego, yes this is the internet and everyone can see everything we say, but in theory it’s a board room at Lego and no one has any idea that it’s happening.

Literally just had to spend four hours powering through about 350 or so posts from yesterday, but I’ll attempt to throw my answer out here nonetheless.
By breaking Bionicle down to its core components, you’re essentially just left with the following:

  • The Unity, Duty, Destiny theme
  • Conflict and mystery
  • Some type of setting (most commonly an island, though not strictly necessary)
  • Inhabitants that are a mix of metal and flesh
  • A group of elemental heroes
  • Regions that echo the powers of the main cast
  • Masks of Power

So long as those seven key components are present and you keep things vibrant and interesting, you can pretty much do whatever you want with the story, and still get away with calling it Bionicle.
For example, let’s look at the Toa Mangai from G1. Did they have a six member team? No, they had eleven. Did all of them strictly stick to the line’s primary six elements? No, they had a Toa of Plantlife, back when the color green was still representing Air. Heck, they even had multiple Toa of the same element (two for Water, and four for Ice), which disregards the traditional figure numbers even further, despite the fact that only Lhikan and Nidhiki actually received any sets. Were they still a part of Bionicle? Obviously. Point is, people need to stop trying to force what they want to believe are hard and fast rules into effect when there’s already past evidence of the story team breaking them.
Now correct me if I’m wrong here, but the main reason why we’re all in a tizzy over a potential G3 is pretty much entirely because G2 has been discontinued, and word is, this is mostly due to low sales and an overabundance of nostalgia. The main purpose of a reboot is to prolong a theme’s life span and relevance, and to do this, you have to keep things fresh and exciting for the next generation of kids to enjoy. If that means introducing some new characters and elements while older ones take a back seat, then so be it. We’ve already seen two lines start off with the Mata, and G1 survived long after the introduction of the Metru and Inika; honestly, Lego should just chalk them up to past heroes of legend for G3 and move on.

Glad to see at least someone has the courtesy to check whats already been said before throwing out their ideas.

The Toa Mangai were never shown in the main story and were added far after G1 expanded past it’s initial three year plan. Bringing them up here is like bringing up the Yuuzhan Vong in an argument about the the Star Wars movies. And if you don’t know what the Yuuzahn Vong are, Google them, they’re terrifying.

The low sales had to do with a lack of interest because the story was underdeveloped and sucked. Nostalgia had nothing to do with it, in fact, nostalgia was probably responsible for most of the sales they did have.

The Metru Entry and Inika were built off of established characters, not random new OCs We neither know not care about.


There’s more nuance to it than that, what if the ninjago reboot changed most of the elements and how they worked and dropped half the cast?
It still has elemental ninjas, so it’s ninjago right?


Just a question…

Why should we even change elements to begin with ?

I honestly don’t get it. Without those six environments, I feel like Bionicle would lose a bit of charm.

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