Brotherhood of Makuta- Aplekisa, The Rahi Maker

Here is my entry for the Brotherhood of Makuta community project, Aplekisa.

Aplekisa was a Makuta. That much is obvious. However, he was an old one, and a boastful one too. He made very good rahi, and always boasted to the others. He made many different creatures, including his pet, Tyromous. Aplekisa was quite rude, and a drama queen. He liked to talk about his rahi, it was all on his mind. His pet was a bit more agreeable, seeming to follow Aplekisa’s orders without question, and keep still otherwise. However, after the defeat of the barraki, the other Makuta were still full of energy from the victory, and as Teridax plotted to take over Mata Nui, the other Makuta secretely killed Aplekisa and Tyromous. They were killed due to Aplekisa’s attempts to try to force themselves to be the leader of rahi production. They thought they were the best to command the production.
More info about his death in the comments!


Aplekisa could ironically not interact with his rahi with his mask. Instead, it was a mask with the power to momentarily make the target perswaded to follow any orders by the user. (I’m not sure if that is a Kanohi, if so, please let me know.) His spear could heat up for brief periods, allowing the weapon to fuse together any joints it hit.
Aplekisa’s black sword could secrete a liquid that wore down the metal making the body of the target.

I am aware that Tyromous looks like Fenrakk. Perhaps Fenrakk’s species came from Aplekisa.


Most impressive.

That mask exists! It’s the Komau :slight_smile:

Gotta say I really like this guys’ look. The mask on the back of the head gives such a cool effect and he reminds me of the old 2004-8 titans with his build - which for a makuta for this project is exactly what you want I guess!


When I saw the Komau, I remembered what it was and instantly facepalmed.


My favorite part is the head. It looks like a crowned skull spider mask, and it’s cool.
Great job!

Aplekisa looks pretty good. I like what you did with the head design and the limbs, but the neck looks really long and the torso looks thin.

Tyromous looks really well done, but the gaps on the MOCs back and legs look odd, and the back could sue some more maroon

Torso gives kind of a tuxedo look without the maroon, eh? Visible in front but not in back?

I really like the head… In my opinion, the Skull Spider mask always looked like a Shelek to me.

Anyway this is really cool, except the neck looks kinda long and skinny. I like the torso, how it’s kind of uses the same style as the 2005 titans.

I really like this

This is pretty cool. The neck seems strange, however. I don’t like it.


Yeah, well, the neck looks a little open and the torso is perhaps a little too T-shaped but overall a nice MOC.

I appreciate that you didn’t use any CCBS shells :wink:

As to the Rahi - the torso seems to lack some substance, but there isn’t really anything one can do wrong with a Rahi.

Two things though, before I will accept your MOC:

  1. [quote=“MysteryMuffin, post:1, topic:23142”]
    However, after the defeat of the barraki, the other Makuta were still full of energy from the victory, and as Teridax plotted to take over Mata Nui, the other Makuta secretely killed Aplekisa and Tyromous.

Why? Why did they kill him? I would like to have a reason (makes writing something for the Book of the Brotherhood much easier). Just “because they didn’t like him” isn’t enough.

  1. [quote=“MysteryMuffin, post:1, topic:23142”]
    Tyromous could secrete a liquid that wore down the metal making the body of the target.

Make that another power of his spear or some other thing he carries.

Change those two things and the MOC will be accepted.

—[quote=“SmeatyFlavor, post:8, topic:23142”]
In my opinion, the Skull Spider mask always looked like a Shelek to me.

I feel like it looks more like a Mask of Scavenging.



Well, it’s at least something I deem possible, that he got killed because of some Rahi production stuff.
I’m going to accept the MOC now and thank you for participating, but if you want to help me a bit more with his “Book of the Brotherhood entry” - maybe give me an idea of how exactly he tried to command Rahi production and how exactly the other Makuta reacted at first/ when it became apparent they could just get rid of him by killing Apleskia. And of course, how they killed him in the end. Might I suggest something like a little shove and a bath in Energized Protodermis?

This would really help me a lot since otherwise I spend days trying to come up with convenient background information.
You don’t need to think up all of that just now, it’s okay if you take a few days. Just make sure that I’ll see it by contacting me or something. :smile:

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@Gilahu Ok, here I go.

Aplekisa was tired of the slow rahi production. After some arguing with the current leader, he battled the leader and won due to cheating. He secretly built a rahi to make his opponent slip, and he forced the leader to step down. Aplekisa did this in public, and for a small amount of time, was a terrible rahi producer, but refused to be challenged or step down himself. He ordered random creatures to be fused in energized protodermis for his own amusement, and made slackers fight varying rahi. Eventually, the other Makuta conspired to defeat him, and a month later, as he was training the new batch of Kane-Ra which had just been created, they pushed him into the herd, where the Kane-Ra trampled him, and then the Muaka, who were let in after the Kane-Ra had left, ate his body. Tyromous simply wandered off and died when Visorak took control of Metru Mui. Tyromous had wandered there and was overwhelmed.

Nice use of Pyrox face! I have never actually even seen it used in a moc!


Sorry, but that doesn’t really work for me.

  1. There is no Makuta who controlled Rahi production before Aplekisa - at least not yet.

2)[quote=“MysteryMuffin, post:12, topic:23142”]
He secretly built a rahi to make his opponent slip, and he forced the leader to step down.

I seriously have no idea how that would work in any way.

  1. I’m pretty sure forcing other Makuta to do something isn’t really anything Miserix/Teridax would have let happen in such a way - also, why would the other Makuta do what Aplekisa tells them?

  2. Why would he train Kane-Ra?

But thanks nonetheless that you came up with something.
If that’s fine with you I’ll take everything you wrote into consideration but will most likely change bits here and there - not altering the main course of Aplekisa’s backstory of course. (Rahi Creator - Leader of Rahi creation through cheating/intrigues - not liked by other Makuta because of his behavior - killed through Rahi)

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@Gilahu Ok. If this helps, we can say that he tried to make a group of Makuta in control of rahi production, and instead of taking over, threatened the Makuta in the group to not tell the Makuta leaders, and seem like they were doing nothing when they were around. Eventually, the other Makuta were done with Aplekisa being the tyrant of this secret organization and killed him in the same manner as before. He was training the kane-ra to help him instill control among his group.
(I hope that helps, I’m not the best at following exact orders.)

I’ll see what I can do.