Cliff Drake
Domain: city-wide
The name of these reptilian Rahi originates from the high ground they build their nests on. While originally common only in Po-Metru, these Rahi over time populated the whole city, nesting on tall buildings or in trees. The nest usually is the center of their hunting grounds, although Cliff Drakes sometimes venture further, if something catches their interest.
Roughly as tall as a Matoran, Cliff Drakes commonly are far too curious to be afraid. Matoran often consider them pests, since they are known to enter houses, air ships or even the chute system occasionally, causing a lot of damage with their exploration. Whenever any major work had to be done outside, at least a squad of Vahki was needed to ensure that the Matoran could work undisturbed.
Cliff Drakes normally aren’t aggressive, although they were known to deal great damage with their claws and teeth to objects they investigated. If attacked, Cliff Drakes usually just fly away, only when there’s no way out do they fall back on their most dangerous weapon – cloaking themselves in a mantle of fire that burns everyone venturing too close.
Rahaga Norik says: “The biggest problem is that they’re far too curious for their own good. Place something they find interesting – a polished tool which reflects the light or just a colorful stone - in a spot that can be seen from above and they’ll come. The Visorak know this, and it’s hard work to attract and catch more Cliff Drakes than them.”
Yeah, well, what’s there to say? I came up with that head and immediately decided to make a whole MOC - and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. Especially how small it is compared to all the articulation and complexity it possesses.
The grey parts irk me a little bit, but there wasn’t really anything to be done there. Also I’m not quite sure if all those flames look good or not - they were an important part of the head, so I decided to add more, but I’m not that sure about them - without them something seems to lack, though.
Well, comments and criticism always appreciated - if anyone wants them, you can find the building instructions for this MOC in the tutorial topic.
That’s it from me, here are some more pictures:
Without flames
Size comparison
Some pictures taken outside to see if I could persuade my camera to get the colours better.