Conduit: Race for Power (RP Topic)

Mokuzai waves “Everyone left home.” He sighs.

Ideruba walks through the forest, heading back up the mountain. Guess I’m gonna do this. I need to figure out how to use this.

In the morning, he might find a letter addressed to him in the mail, as did anyone who’d left the main group.

He checked the return address.

He sees it’s from the town near where the mountain was.

Ideuba walked up the mountain carrying some packets of powdered blood and a small grocery bag.

He grabs a letter opener and removes the letter from the envelope to read it silently.

Ike might find Jeffrey, who had woken up early to continue studying the rune circle he made.

It reads:

OOC: The crossed out parts aren’t actually in the letter, they were just jokes.

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Zablex shows it to his parents and the father dials the number.

Jeff feels his phone ringing and picks up. “Hello?”

Ike gives a sigh and waves. I wonder how strong is clotted blood.

“Good morrow to you.” The father said in his Scottish accent, “My son has received a letter saying he is invited on an expedition of some sort and I am wondering about the legitimacy of this.”

Jeff waves back.

“No problem, sir. I’m the Jeffrey spoken of in the letter. I’m an anthropologist specializing in Eastern European cultures, and I would like your son to help me in my research of some ruins in Estonia.” He says to the man on the phone. “With your permission, that is.”

“You do realize you are liable for him if he goes, right?” He asks.

“I’m twenty!” Zablex said, slightly irritated.

Successfully holding back a laugh, Jeff responds. “Yes, sir. I understand, but I’m sure your son will be fine. He seems like a very capable person.”

He thinks, “Just remember that whatever happens to him is on you.” He said.

“Understood. I hope you have a nice day.” Jeffrey says.

Ike pauses and raises a hand “Do I have to sign a contract or anything? I can’t trust you to not scam us.”

“I didn’t have a contract, but you literally have the ability to control blood. I think if I somehow scammed you, you could get back at me somehow.” He tells him after he gets off the phone.

“Same to you.” He said before hanging up.

“I’ll pack my things once finished.” Zablex told his father.

Ike sighs “Its not like I wanted to control blood. It does happen to be very beneficial for gardening though.”