Cusp of a New Era: Stories of a Changing Time(RP Topic)

Ryko would see a candlelit room, with a wooden floor, made of wide planks. There were dozen of shelves filled with with bottles full of different concoctions and many ingredients used. There were herbs hanging from the ceiling that were also being sold.
Moenir smiles,
“I hope you find what you need.”

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“Me too.” Ryko admitted.
He began to peruse the shelves of raw ingredients.

She takes a deep breath, then forges out onto the path. She walks quickly, keeping her head down and making her way towards the city walls.

"I live in the’city, ya really think I haven’t run inta my fair share o’ pickpockets? She asks. “And ye kept yer hand closed. Couldn’t tell per say, but made ye look suspicious.”

Louisa might hear the crier that Hans had heard earlier, repeating the same message.

Kasie closed her hand again and slipped the coin into her pocket.
“Yeah, well I’m not your ordinary pickpocket.” She replied.

“Doesn’t give ye th’right t’go stealin’ other people’s stuff.” Sarah responds, leaving the coin be, with its relatively small value.

Kasie snorts.
“If you knew me then you’d understand.” She muttered sullenly.

Sarah just barely heard Kasie, then looked her dead in the eye. “What’ya mean?” She asked. Her voice wasn’t confrontational anymore, having more of a cautious concern to it instead.

“I steal because I was stolen from.” Kasie said, her voice dropping.

Sarah was silent for a bit. “How so?” She asked, walking closer(but making sure to keep her pockets hidden by her coat).

“Robbers murdered my parents and looted my house when I was a child. They left me for dead. I was seven.”

Sarah was silent for a moment longer, then gave Kasie a hug. “I’m sorry.” She said in a low voice, before backing off. “But ye shouldn’t have to stoop down t’there level.” She encourages. “Be better than those lowlifes were. By bein’ like this, it just means they win again.”

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“Does it?” Kasie asked.
“I steal for my mum.” She opened her hand, showing the coin she stole.
“One of each type of coin from each city I visit. I offer 'em up to my mum, hoping that she can hear me… wherever the dead people go.”

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“…I’m sure she’s proud.” Sarah said to her quietly.

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“Maybe. Maybe not.” Kasie shrugged.
She offered the coin back to Sarah.
“I’m sorry.” She apologized. “I guess you don’t deserve it. You’re giving me a home, after all.”

Sarah doesn’t move. “It’s a coin.” She says, a smile creeping onto her face. “Ye can keep it.”

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Kasie peered at Sarah, something sparkling in her eyes.
“…are you sure?” She asked, her voice cracking on “are”.

Moenir would keep an eye on him, while he chatted with the shopkeep.

Aina and Blud stood embraced. The two in form for a simple dance. They looked each other in the eyes and slow-danced to the other’s rhythm. Blud comments, “I can’t remember the last time I did this. It feels like it was ages ago.” A slight smile spread across his face, as they danced.

Aina chuckles following Blud’s rhythm, “You say that, but you’re leading me just as well as the day of our wedding. I remember it was just the two of us and the man who wed us together. No rich celebration, no music, just us two.”

Blud smiles warmly. He hugged Aina, keeping her as close to him as he could possibly make it. Aina smiles, “I missed you.”

Blud nods, “I did to. I’m just happy that I was able to make it here.”

Three short days. A lot could happen in that time. However, tomorrow he would meet with the very people the Nikidians were looking for. Two hours before sunfall… So soon… He would honestly be able to do very little in that meeting. He could only offer the resources he owned. Any more would require at least the approval of one other Big Name. IT was a good thing they would arrive in three days and if those rebels were caught in three days then to him it wasn’t worth it to begin with. It is their chance for them to prove themselves on whether they are capable of his help…

“If it means ye won’t steal from anyone else 'ere.” She says.

She snorts; it was about time. She would have to be sure to avoid that direction; no point running back to the army so soon, now was there? She couldn’t help but wonder how difficult it would be to hitch a ride to Gathens; it seemed more friendly than any of her other options. She pushes the thoughts aside for the moment, forcing herself to focus on her surroundings should she have any other encounters with the military.