Defeat the Symphaverse Chapter I RP Topic

Geet replies,
“Nope, we’re in an entirely different universe. The universe we live in is a multiverse after all.”

Vlad face palmed and sighed.
“The hell? Of course not!”

Geet laughs,
“You better go find one, I’m going swimming for a big beast.”

“Well… OK, I guess…”
Vlad stood up and started to walk in a completely random direction.

OCC: I’ll give you the four directions
North more plateau
West a river then a desert, north of the that desert is a canyon
East Forest then ocean
South Jungle and a lot of rivers

IC: Geet waves goodbye to the metal suit man.

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Vlad waved back as he headed towards west.

Geet stands up and heads to the ocean, he’s planning on going for a long dive.

Vlad continuing walking westward, until he ended up in front of a river.

across from it was a desert.

“Why did I had to chose this direction? Well I always wanted to go to a desert.”
Vlad lied. He turned on his suit, put on his helmet and flew past the river. Then continued his journey.

The desert hills seemed to sway back and forth, they almost appear like waves, (depending on how fat he is flying)

Vlad was walking on the sand dunes, wondering why they are so similar to waves.

The sand seems to sink in to a single point. It also felt lighter than the sand he knew on earth.

Vlad continued his walk.

The sand led to a hole in the ground. The hole was a square and it had strange markings on the brick walls.

Vlad stopped on the edge of the whole.
“Oh, wow! A square-shaped whole in the middle of the desert! Not suspect at all!”
He activated his jets and jumped in the whole, descending slowly into the cave. A small flashlight opened on his chest.

Scavenger looks around for anything of interest, before eventually teleporting near the Forest to the east.

OOC: I just realized I said west instead of east

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He would be greeted by a circular room with four tunnels.

The world seems mostly empty, but teeming with wildlife.
OOC: I was wondering how you ended up in a forest to the west…XD

“Four tunnel? Hm… I choose… This one.”
And he continued walking in the tunnel in front of him.

He enters tunnel 1. The tunnel continues inwards leading to another circular room, with three new tunnels. Along the walls is the same button, the symbol engraved resembles the first room you were in.

OOC: You’re in a maze…
(The button allows you to get to the start of the maze, whenever you decide to start over or just leave. The button is found on every wall)