Eljay's AMA

Are you talking about this Makuta:

If so, a video has already been made

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He was talking about Makuta’s original form, the gold and purple midget with the Mask of Control.


Out of curiosity, why would you rate 2003 so low?

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Two reasons:

In all seriousness though, I’m not a big fan of '03 either, and really don’t have a reason for it. The year just… didn’t offer a lot, I guess (though it did give us the best Matoran build we’ve ever gotten).

By the way, Eljay, do you have any new year’s resolutions, or do you find them ridiculous like I do?

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In hindsight, would you have considered the idea of a collaborative, and thus much more efficient effort to archive the Chat with Greg Farshtey topic? I’m fairly sure that many members of the community would have cached 100 or so pages for no prize at all.

I will not, sorry.

Set-wise, it wasn’t one of my favorite years. The portrayal of Lewa was… lackluster, to put it nicely. Additionally, we got no actually Toa canister sets for the first (and, unless I am mistaken, only) time in Gen 1’s run. The color palette was noticeably more grey and silver, and the year was split into two different stories. All in all, it didn’t pull me in as much as others. Is it a bad year? Certainly not, it’s still the final part of the Golden Years and it earns that title. But as far as years go, it isn’t one my of favorites, even though Gahlok-Kal was my first set.

I don’t have one, but I also don’t find them ridiculous. I think if people resolve to better themselves, then that’s a good thing. I just find it unfortunate if they don’t seem to even try and just say it to appear like a better person.

Possibly, but 1 member has already cataloged over 300 pages for a prize. Additionally, this gives us options, creative solutions, and a common community goal. Even if they are working independently, they’re working together. It has gotten their mind off the unfortunate sunsetting of the LMB, and given them something to strive for.


I can understand that line of thought; thanks for considering mine.

What is your opinion on the original Miramax films?

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Hey @Eljay did you ever been licked by a giraffe?

so eljay what happened to future eljay and the seven year applego war


Oh, no! I haven’t been here to torment Eljay with questions!! :o :0

Why don’t have more than 20 followers on my Flickr?

How come the coffee grinds don’t catch on fire when I try to light them with YouTube comments?

And why does Wario haunt my soul?

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Someone had to do this…

What is your least favorite Toa team?

Who is your least favorite Toa?


I only have one Miru, and it’s a mata green Miru from Lewa Mata. Should I paint details of it black for a moc I’m making, or should I keep such a beautiful piece in its original form?

I ask because it seems only fitting that I receive permission from the Master of Miru before I alter my only Miru.

Why is Lewa your favorite character?

I enjoy them. LoMN is my favorite.

Can’t say that I have.

Horrible things.

  1. Of the full ones we’ve seen, I’d say the Toa Inika.
  2. Tuyet.

Seeing as I’ve modified Miru’s before, I’d say go for it. They’re cheap on Bricklink.

A variety of reasons. He’s green (my favorite color), I like the shape of his mask, the personality, and all the cool moments he’s involved in.


Let’s be fair, Lewa has the most character development of the Mata, and also gets involved in the most stuff (particularly being possessed, because that’s happened three times to the poor sod).

Also, thank you for the approval, Saint Eljay of Mirus and Mangosteen.

Here’s a good question. Were you ever a fan of Halo Wars, and what are your thoughts (if any) on Halo Wars 2? I personally think it looks like it’ll be decent (though I’m reserving my judgment), but I’m pretty disappointed with what we’ve gotten musically from 343 as of late, and Halo Wars 2 went in an incredibly boring and strangely out-of-character direction with the music (right after Halo 5 gave me hope in terms of good music from 343). Especially because the music for the first game is so good (then again, Stephen Rippy, the mastermind behind AoE III’s soundtrack did it, so that’s not a big surprise).

Legitimate question: How’s your mask Eljay? Staying together I presume?

Eljay, please make this your new title.

  1. Not really. I never played the original, and while the 2nd one was fun I’m not super invested in the story. I don’t dislike it, just never gripped me.

Absolutely. @Cyber-Hand did an amazing job with it. The only issue has been the color rubbing off, but it’s an easy fix.

As much as I like that one, I’ve got too much history with my current one. =P


Well where did you get your current one anyway?

Eljay, are you a real villain?