Female Toa Team

I’d say go to bricklink and buy some eyestalks.


where is my trigger free space /s

I think they look decent however I don’t like the lower legs.



I have never seen metru butts before, that’s weird


Dude, what are those poses…?

These are OK, but it feels like you were kind of trying too hard. Rakshii thighs and butts aren’t necessary to make a MoC look feminine. The Nuvaboobs, while kind of irritating, are used in a better way than they usually are, I will give you that.

Also., Why don’t they have feet?


They’re meant to have heels.

It doesn’t look like it. It really just looks like they’re standing on their ankles.



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use your imagination I guess… IDK it just seemed obvious to me given the fiminisation.

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Oh I thought I had fixed that


They’re really badly proportioned, like torso size to leg size, and the red one has a REALLY small head compared to her body. And they have really un even color schemes, they don’t even look like Toa just over sexualized figures, they don’t even have weapons. Not to mention they’re all clones of each other.


It’s the same moc in multiple flavors,
we have mango, mint, blue raspberry, and caramel.

Those poses are laughably stupid.

As for the moc, ugly, to be honest, badly proportioned, atrocious color blocking, the arms are basic, the torso is cluttered and lumpy, the thighs are a bad build and just don’t look good, the knees are gappy and have open ball joints, and the lower legs are stumps.


They look a lot like clones of each other. I would much rather prefer them to be different.

You thought I’d say something about the nuva boobs or the nuva butt didn’t you, well they don’t bother me that much on these

Ashens Reference

but these mocs have one big problem
they cling onto the fact they were made with semi realistic proportions in mind
and as Joe said

I do use the same torso build sometimes
but I try and make it look different or unique enough so it is not a clone
they are like X Ninja in early Mortal Kombat
so here is what I recommend

  1. make them more realistic (make them less clunky)

  2. make them more unique (just changing colours and mask does not make it different)

  3. give them feet (they look like disabled runners in the Olympics)


I’m not sure if I should agree with yink or not

He voices my opinions in a much harsher way than I normally would

+10 points for honesty though?

Honestly, if the designs were pulled off properly, I think the MOCs have half decent potential as a uniform team. However the issue is, none of the designs are pulled off well. They look sloppy…and if your heels are so extreme that you need stands…they’re probably not all that well designed. Which is very true in this case.

They need a ton of work. I’d like to see them pulled off well though.


Good to know I’m not the only Ashens fan.


Well I’m hearing a lot of mixed opinions. I like the constructive criticism, and harsh criticism is fine too. But to the people complaining about the boobs n’ butts, all I gotta say is deal with it. Girls have boobies.

As for the issues with exposed balljoints, I’m currently trying to come up with a solution.

I’ve heard that they are out of proportion, and I’ve also heard they have good/realistic proportions. So on that note I really don’t know who to believe. I think the main issue is the arms are too short.

Red’s neck is too long, but I fixed that simply by placing it one pin down.

Overall, I get the feeling this is way better than my last moc, and it’s a step in the right direction (though still not without its flaws), so I’ll keep working on it until I finally get a pleasing design (with boobs and butts galore, deal with it).

Anyway, thanks for all the replies, positive and negative alike.

EDIT: I’ve also heard that the fact the yare all clones is stupid, but go back and look at some of the older Toa sets, primarily Metru (that was when I got into Bionicle). The yall are identical, it was an homage to that. Sorry if it’s bothersome.


It’s nice to see that you will try to improve on these, but people will still complain about the use of the nuva armor, specially us girls (even if we are a minority here) cause it is an overused design.

But in the end it is your decision, and I hope you keep building.


Totally agreed

Though, these could be so much better if you fixed the following.

There is room for improvement, so I hope you can come back to these in the future.

This is true I guess, but IMO sexualization should not be a thing. Female MOC’s I don’t thing should be be portrayed by that much, if at all.

5/10 for me. Have patience with your MOC’s and include diversity. That’s all I’ve gotta say, really.