Female Toa Team

Yes, but they typically don’t look disconnected and unnatural. I’m looking at these pictures, and some of the parts just look forced on without regarding the flow of the armor. Sexualization isn’t the same as it simply just looking bad.

If you can integrate it well, fine. But you need to be able to make it look like an actual part of the MOC for it to work. Otherwise, forcing these features on will just end up looking horrible.

There have still been multiple Toa teams where they each had their own elements that at least added character. The Toa Phantoka are a great example.

I’m with @Saxton. I currently give these MOCs a 5/10.


And I pretty much agree with what these two said.


Nikki and Rekuna have nice color schemes, but the other two are rather jumbled when it comes to palettes.

“Girls have boobies.” (I can’t quote while on a mobile device, stupid phone)
Yes, this is true. However, it’s not always the exaggerated proportions like how you depicted them here. As someone whose friends consist mostly of girls, I can safely say without a doubt that these MOCs are not an accurate depiction of the female gender.
If you want to use Nuva armor as breasts, then yes, by all means feel free to do it; it’s just the matter of making it seem realistic and flow with the structure of the MOC, which yours don’t accomplish as well as they potentially can.
But as Blu said, the trend of Nuva boobs/butts is an overused design. It doesn’t help with the aesthetic of a MOC when they’re too oversexualized. Heck, it might even make some of the female members on this forum uncomfortable. If it does help, you could perhaps try toning the chest and rear areas down slightly, or rework them completely. A female character doesn’t need a huge chest to signify that they’re a female character. Sometimes the difference can be as subtle as slightly wider hips or narrower shoulders.


Hahli looked really manly, twice. And that’s also wierd.

What does have anything to do with these MOCs? They still look way too sexualized.

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Sees the first picture:

As I scroll down:

In all seriousness, though, I really like the Toa team as a TEAM. Separately, I dislike the individual Toa. So, in all, Team good, each Toa bad. But hey, I know it’s difficult to make a full new team from scratch, so I’m gonna give it a like anywho.
Though I only give this a 4/10, I guess I still say that it is: Liked.


Because that’s exactly the opposite of what he did, LEGO likes to make female characters even more manly than actual males. His MOCs look oversexualized, but I don’t care since I have no problem with this.

##Swagitty Swooty.

It’s a cool moc i guess.

I know exactly what you mean! Look at G2 Gali 2015, she looks like a freaking tank. If it weren’t for the curvy feminine mask (and that she is blue), I’d think she was a male.

Then take a look at Pohatu 2015… That looks like a female to me. Seriously, if I was told that Pohatu was a girl, I’d have no quarrels with it.

I get that my moc’s are “sexual”, but that’s not an inherent issue. Some people just don’t like the look of the mocs which then makes the sexual aspect laughable to them, I can respect that. But when I see people who would like it, if not for the sexual aspect (People who say something like, “nice build, but the boobs and butts need to go,”), that bothers me.You shouldn’t be offended by sexuality. I get it, if you don’t like that kind of stuff, it’s fine (to each their own), but I personally have no quarrels with it, so if I want to incorporate it into a moc, I will (though I’ll try and do it better the next time).

Again, it’s kind of hard to know, because so far this particular moc has been very controversial. I have gotten a few people who actually really like the build (I do believe more people have an issue with the build than don’t, so I’ll take that as it is and presume the dominating opinion is the one I should listen to). Regardless, I appreciate everybody who’ve given me advice, and I’ll certainly do my best to listen to it.


For one, Gali looks subtly feminine. For example, the placement of armor on her upper legs makes her thighs appear larger, which is a feminine trait. Her shoulders are also thinner, as well as her upper arms (which gives an illusion of her shoulders being even more thin).

I don’t understand how you think Pohatu looks feminine at all. Maybe the skinny shoulders?

TL;DR: Be subtle with your designs when you make a female character, don’t throw the fact that “THIS CHARACTER IS A GIRL” in our faces.


I was more thinking of Hahli since her moustache mask had a ridiculous design, and I don’t find your MOC in any way offensive. Also, I don’t think that you need to change anything about your MOC. The colour shemes of your last 2 MOC aren’t really compatible, but the details are great. Have my like(actually gave it already hours ago)

My issue isn’t the fact that it is oversexualized, my issue is that I don’t think you pulled it off well, making it look slapped on, as if little thought was given into integration.

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Her shoulders aren’t thin, unless you take off those hideous and over-sized armor pieces. But those are part of the official build, so they stay. Then don’t get me started on her chest piece. Because they used the same masculine piece for all of them, and it looks like the pectoral muscles of Arnold Schwarzenegger, I’d say it does a lot in damaging the aspect of femininity Gali should have. They had the right idea with the thighs, but it’s just not enough. Muscular men can have large thighs as well. And given the fact that literally everything else about her looks masculine aside from the thighs, it wasn’t enough to say to me, “yeah, that’s a lady.”

Pohatu looks feminine to me because he is so small. Petite would be the word (Yes, the shboulders also play into this). Sure, one arm has a plate of armor on it, but given the contrasting color choices, it doesn’t really make him look any bigger, just like he’s wearing a piece of armor. Granted he has the same chest, but if you can argue it passes for Gali, I can argue the same for Poahtu.

People of different genders don’t always have the same height difference. Males aren’t always taller than females.


This is true. I’m actually a short guy at 5’ 7" (1.7 metes). But if you’re going to nitpick, then why stop there? Sometimes women have beards and testosterone through the roof, and look no different from a man. SOMETIMES people have an extra limb because of a birth defect. There is no point in nitpicking, we are going off of the averages here.

There are so many body types, I chose to make my moc follow a specific one, slender with curves. Obviously not everybody thinks I achieved that, but some do.

Riddle me this, Miss Matoi:

name me the things that set gali apart from the test of the mata/nuva.

ya won’t find much, like the 2015 version.

mainly, it comes down to the mask.

now, at least lego tried with subtly making her a female.

This argument is devolving faster than I can type, so I’m just gonna leave some tips:

  1. add feet. Doesn’t matter if they’re friggin’ throwbot feet. just, add some form of feet.
  2. add mata hands/3 long CCBS shells to the knees. it’ll make them look SO much better
  3. try being subtle in the chest/rear of the figure. don’t go all-out on that. It’s not like you’re making a Kill la Kill figurine.
  4. try for a consistent color scheme. (get multiple colors of Rahksii backs and vahki legs, as well as Metru groin pieces.)
  5. head o’er to brickink one ya get your newest paycheck (after food, rent, some possible clothes, etc.) and get some eyestalks



g1 Gali looks sorta feminine because chest has a hand on it, and her mask is passable (though I’ve never been a fan).

Gali Nuva has the same build as the rest, and her mask looks like a cow.

LEGO failed at making these two look feminine. Sorry, but it’s true.

Feet… Working on it.

Knees… I think I might actually use mata hands with the nuva armor on it, I tried it and it didn’t look as bad as I thought, still trying to decide. Unfortunately, as I’ve stated, I am not necessarily swimming in pieces. So to do this I’ll have to dismantle one of the other mocs.

If you wanna talk subtlety, then don’t bring up the older sets. I found this moc a long time ago, and it does subtlety greatly. The premise was a female on the Inika build.

I apparently am just horrible at color schemes. I’ll have to doa little looking around on the internet for inspiration, because I seem to only make mocs all one color, or apparently I make them a really jarring array of colors.

Regarding eyestalks, I’ve managed to stumble across two in my collection, both in light green. So I’m still searching. I will probably go to Bricklink at some point.

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Wait. Didn’t you base this team of the Metru, where the males and female looked alike?

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In the sense that all the team looks identical (Metru is my favorite story wise, and it was the first one I ever got into), but I fail to see the issue. Metru is also a bad example of making them look female (in fact, most official sets are), which is another issue all together. I honestly fail to see the connection you’e going for here. I made a homage by making the Toa have the same build, doesn’t mean I can’t try and make the builds better. Plus, whenever I did get to making a male build (which I have plans for at some point, I intended to make them all the same as well. But, I guess most people would prefer them to have greater differences, so I’ll have to figure that out when the time comes.

EDIT: In case I wasn’t clear, what I mean to say is that the male builds would have had the same build as eachother, NOT the same as the female build.

just as a reminder.