Hi, Sokoda here with another G3 Set concept. This time for the region of Kanae: As always: The Masks are added on the renders to get the look of the masks across.
This new Set has 854 pieces (including the 3 masks)
I think this set is a bit different, because it’s more a display set and I focused on showing the landscape of Kanae because some people asked for a more enviorment focused set.
This set contains The “Shrine of Wind” wich is built with three floating islands and some bridges that connect them. The set also includes a mechanic Gukko and a little scenery of Kanaes landscape, that can be added to the Shrine.
The included Minifigures are: Lewa, Lerahk, and two Matoran (one an inventer and an archeologist).
1. The Shrine of Wind
The Shrine of Wind consists of three floating islands, that lead with bridges to a statue of Lewa. To give the islands a floating look I built them on Transparent pieces. I also tried to make it look likr this Shrine was forgotten for a long time, so I used a lot of plant-pieces and built ruins of an old structure in tan.
On the top of the temple there is a statue of Lewa in his G1 Toa Mata version. I tried quite a while to build the Mask, but I chose to do it with printing instead.
Here is a better look at the Lewa statue
The bridges (the second and third) have a built in function. If you pull a Pin at its end the bridge will fall down
The second floating island has a tree and as an easter-egg to MNOG a sundial with a Lightstone.
The first island has another Lightstone and a little pinwheel.
2. The Scenery
As always I included a bit of scenery with some plants, some ruins and a little sign. It can of cause be connected to the rest of the shrine
And it can be used to connect the “Shrine of Wind” to the “Mangai Defense Tower”
3. The mechanic Gukko
On the Podcast there was a discussion about if there would be flying vehicles and someone mentioned the idea of a mechanic Gukko. I really love this idea, so I wanted to build one for this set.
The mechanic Gukko has a similar gera-function to Ikir, so by moving the Vorox-Armor on his Back his upper wings move up and down. The mechanic Gukko also has two stud-shooters.
4. The Minifigures
With Lewa I tried to be as close to the official designs as possible and I gave her two axes as Toa-Tools
Lerahks design is similar to the other Rahkshi, but he uses the Ninjago snake leg-piece, which I was very happy that it can be printed in the LDD.
The first Matoran in this set in my self-MOC “Sokoda” and he is a inventor from Kanae, he is the one riding the mecanic Gukko
The second Matoran is an archologist who studies the “Shrine of Wind”.
I hope you enjoy my set and sorry that it took me that long I had some issues with my rendering program