GBWC: Sunrise of the New Champion (RP Topic)

By the time she dodged Barbatos was already behind Sazabi and slashes with the mace at Sazabi’s back.

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Sazabi rockets forwards, evading the attack. She flew away from Barbatos, pulling out her artillery cannon and firing at Barbatos several times.

Barbatos attached the variable mace on his back and takes out the long katana, and holds it with both and sprints through the artillery cannon’s fire and slashes at Sazabi’s shoulder joint.

Sazabi shifted to the side, the katana glancing off her shoulder armor. She slashed again with her beam tomahawks.

Even though it glanced off of her shoulder, it would still maintain a scratch on the shoulder armor.
Barbatos blocked the tomahawks and thrusted backwards. “You have what it takes to be a excellent fighter and I have rejected that, so sorry but this needs to end, because in life there is only one winner!” he said as something strange happen he and Barbatos were now one, they entered in a similation.

Barbatos’s katana was surrounded by field of red particles exploding into a thunder-ish fery beam.
“This is the end!” he said, Barbatos with his new found might slashes with the katana…but something happened and his arm armour cracked and the chest also, the beam was sparkling as it was sent towards Sazabi, it was a wide beam and was coming fast towards Sazabi.

Sazabi froze in fear, as the beam hit her. She flew backward, her shoulder gashed wide open and her torso with a large cut. She growled and charged at Barbatos, firing missiles and her shotgun.

Before Barbatos could move, Logan was shock ina state of mind as he sees the cracked up armor all around the body of Barbatos, he couldn’t move, before he could reposition his katna the arms of Barbatos fall down dropping the katana.

He takes the missiles and the shotgun at the same time which caused Barbatos to stagger back and eventually fall onto his knees.
Logan’s eyes were shaking and Barbatos was covered with electricity because of the injuries.

Sazabi rocketed forward and struck out with a side kick.

Logan could move the arm of Barbatos. “What…” he said as Barbatos fell down .

Sazabi stood over Barbatos, pointing a beam tomahawk at him.
“I win.”

“Yeah, you do.” Logan said. “I accept your apology.”

Sazabi stepped back and deactivated the beam tomahawk.
She extended her hand, offering assistance ro Barbatos.

Barbatos rose his hand shakingly accepting the help.

Sazabi lifted Barbatos onto his feet.
“If you wanted, I could help fix him.” Lacey offered, referring to Barbatos.
“And also find out more about this guy…” she thought to herself.

“Perhaps.” he said as Barbatos was struggling a bit to stand up. “But I am kinda hungry…”

Sazabi moved under Barbatos and supported him.
“Okay… you wanna grab a bite to eat?”

“Yeah, that would be kindly.” he said, Barbatos was leaning into Sazabi as she supported him.

Sazabi helped Barbatos to the logoff point.

“Why are you helping me?” he asked as Barbatos slightly looked at Sazabi’s eyes as they walked to the logoff point.

“Not sure. Does it matter?” Lacey replied.