General "Quirks" Discussion Topic

I can occasionally get songs stuck in my head just by playing one line in my head. On top of this, I always have a song stuck in my head. Always.

This can lead to interesting results.

Such as the current song, the jingle from Yee.


I have many a quirk, here some of them are now.

  • I cannot commit to anything, sport, video games, stories I’m writing, shows I’m watching that kind kind of stuff.
  • I am practically always fidgeting in some way. I jiggle my legs, tap/drum on my desk at school, I bite/suck pens, I through things in the air and catch them, etcetera.
  • my mind often wanders from what it should be doing.
  • reading from smart boards with the lights on makes me feel sick.
  • The faster I try to write by hand the more messy and lightly I write.
  • I cannot study or do homework, once school is over my brain turns off.
  • I act completely different in the real world at school. I swear a lot more, I am very annoying and I make stupidly inappropriate jokes.
  • To my IRL friends I am often emotionless, and then boom, I will suddenly be talking about my dog that died or my parents splitting up.
  • in private I am an emotional wreck.
  • I often have trouble getting up in the morning because I can’t face the world.
  • I will frequently say they first thing that pops into my head without thinking.
  • if something happens to one side of me I feel odd if it doesn’t happen to the other side. Like getting a scratch on one hand, I will then scratch the other hand too.
  • I crack my knuckles a who.e bunch, often subconsciously.
  • if I try to think about my breathing often I can’t breathe.
  • online I finish most things with ‘…’
  • I am extremely paranoid about if anyone is actually my friend.
  • recently I have been hating school for some unknown reason.
  • I am overweight and fat, I hate being like this but it has become part of my ‘character’ at school. I often even make fat jokes at my own expense.

Wow, that was a lot. I am done for now but I may be back…


I have a similar boat. In truth I could probably finish something if it was required to me… but I prefer to have as little commitment to doing anything as possible

Same here

This also describes me, although more to people I don’t consider friends and probably a bit happier tone

This reminds me of me two/three years ago, not as much today

Or maybe you just like sleep


This kinda applies to me. In a case by case basis. I scratch one hand without caring about the other, but then, I also feel the need for both hands to be holding the same part of a book or something. And I hate having only one headphone and hearing something only in one ear.

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Same here in certain cases

I’m fine

After rereading what I’d written I’ve deduced that the problem was melodrama; there really wasn’t much reason for me to say that in a public forum conversation

I’m pretty sure that when I wrote it, it was supposed to sound funny (somehow), which it clearly was not



I can be really quiet or really hyper depending on who I’m with
I play football, but I never sweat no matter what I do in the sport
I tend to doodle alot, especially in school
I don’t like most modern day people, like the “Yolo Swag” Idiots, and people who refuse to think.
I can’t stand it if I hear something fall down, because then I have to go and find what fell.
I hate talking politics with people who refuse to listen(I got called a racist because I though Obama isn’t a very good president)
If I’m about to play Playstation 2, and my hands feel slightly dirty, I have to wash them. Only with my PS2
I like having a knife or something around, just in case
I often dream up weird stuff
I wear jeans, a button up ■■■■■(Or jacket) and cowboy boots. No matter what. Unless I go work out or have practice
I can be pretty aggressive, if need arises.
I drum or whistle the tune of Dixie alot.

And more I can’t think of
Begins wondering if everyone in the forums now thinks I’m crazy


My friend, everyone in this forum is messed up in their own ways


Oh, I fit right in then

Strolls in


Good to have ya man! take a seat and get settled in!

So…about your soul


In manly sailor voice
Thank ya, thank ya.


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Too tasty for this place…needs to be eaten…


So…we’ve established in the past 5 minutes that we’re all crazy and Raptor is the cannibalistic son of the Devil…

Productive day


No, I do not eat the souls! my pet Raptor-steed does!

And we also learned that Raptor has a Raptor Steed


Okay then. Lower your spear, gents

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Dont worry, you can keep your soul, even if it looks so tasty…

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They wont eat mine because its hairy :stuck_out_tongue:


Hairy-ness is for the mans!


I almost cannot sleep unless I have something in my hand.

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He’s not the son of the Devil

Just cannibalistic


I do not eat people! my pet Raptor-steed does!..