Here is my first MOC to be posted here on the Message Boards. It’s not the first MOC I’ve ever built for a serious purpose (that was an alternate build of Gahlok for the 2003 Rahi contest), but it is the first MOC that I have not been simply satisfied to call “finished” for a long period of time. Here are some photos of the current version, due to be updated once I can get rid of the Imperial Army symbols on the haunches due to the parts being from the K2SO buildable figure:
It can also walk on all fours, as shown here:
And the swords store on the back as well!
I will update this MOC with some photos showcasing the various stages of development it went through, as well as techniques used to overcome various challenges (especially the constructed wolf head) before getting to this point as soon as I can; the house is being remodeled and certain parts used in past versions have fallen into certain unreachable areas (for the while) under my dresser after a hasty bed-clearing (yes, I’m an idiot sometimes).
As shown in the title, this is a self-MOC. I am obsessed with wolves/werewolves; my subreddit is chock-full of wolf content. (There’s even a backstory, sadly archived, on a more…organic…version of this MOC on there. Woah…Have I really been working on this MOC for that long, yet even longer?)
When it comes to weapons, I prefer swords for melee weaponry and bows for ranged, as opposed to axes, hammers, and guns (though crossbows are nice). As a result, you will often see my MOCs in the future wielding various swords and bows, along with the occasional dagger or, yeah, an ax or two.
I admit it: I’m a bit of a furry (though I’m not what you’re thinking!), and that has shown in this MOC as well. (And for the love of anthro-MOCs, Ven, the term is digitigrade, not chicken-legged!)
Thoughts? Let me know what you think! I’ll pay 1 Lincoln cent for each (not really)!