Halo:Demons in the Night RP

“something about something escaping and that they would deal with us later”

Blair examined the bodies. “They were dead before we got here, or else we would have heard the fighting while we were still on ground level. Because a few plasma grenades went off.”

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Deacon looked around the room for signs of an exit

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A large door down the hallway to the north of the group was forced open, the walls in the tunnel were covered in plasma Burns and blood. A promethean assassin ran by the door, stopping to stare at the group for a second before carrying on its task.

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“looks like something is keeping them busy” Deacon said cautiously approaching the hall, Kiana was just behind him

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Blair followed behind the two until they reached the door, she turned her flashlight on, as soon as she looked down the hallway, a Bloody White FREEBOOTER helmet laid in the hallway. “Found something.” Blair said approaching it.

“is that one of Solar’s? Maybe they are what those promethians were talking about when they said something escaped…” Kiana said

“Yeah that is one of Solars, and that could be…if the blood wasn’t dried up.”

“someone might have lived” Kiana said checking the room for movement

“Do you have Solar’s com channel’s readily available?” Catina asked Blair.

“I already tried I didn’t get any response.” She picked the helmet up and looked over it, as she flipped it over, she had soon seen that someone shot at the helmet a large bullet hole broke VISR.

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"A bullet hole in the visor, and Human blood in the helmet. I almost would prefer not finding out what is going on here.’ Catina said. “Is the data disk in the helmet?”

“well if they got shot in the head and died… Where’s the body is what I’m wondering” Deacon said

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“There are a lot of questions to be answered. And I doubt we can find out what is going on if we stay here.”

“The disk is gone, someone took it out. Everyone move up.” She said continue to walking down the hall until they came into a room it seemed quiet as something could be seen standing in the far corner, Blair shined her light on it to see it was the same Spartan who had lost the helmet, they were staring at the wall from behind. Just staring at it in fact it looked as if she was just banging her head against the wall.

Blair approached slowly, motion for Deacon and Kiana to move left and right to surround the Spartans in case anything would happen.

They nodded and slowly approached

Blair kept her aim on the soldier. “Spartan?” She asked as it stopped and raised its head, it turned around to see its face was missing both eyes, its skin turned a greenish grey, veins popped out as the chest armor was ripped off to make room for the infection form, her arm was covered in sometype of skin that formed some kind of spearlike she was unbalanced sort of as her left leg was twisted, causing her to lean a bit, she twitched her head to the left and looked at the group before lunging at Kiana. A blood curdling growl erupted as it did so, readying its weapon to stab her.


Catina Had her shotgun trained on the figure in the room, before they had realized it was a Flood Combat form. She pulled the trigger once, hitting the combat form in the chest and knocking it flat on it’s back.

Catina then pulled her machete with one hand, and sliced off one of the protusions from the combat form’s chest/stomach area.

Kiana blasted the knocked down combat form in the chest three times, and Deacon stood completely petrified.

“What the f*ck was that?” Kiana said.

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“A flood combat form. So we have been lead into and locked in this structure with them.” Catina said. “And some might look to the ONI leader & wonder if we were set up for this.” Catina added.