Halo: Into the Howling Dark V

Catina took her chances with turning and running away from Borli Keep about ten feet, to get a good view of Kay’s ambush. Especially since Tallium and Stalrus were talking to Leo anyway.

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As Atan looked to the sky, he wondered what had happened For the enemy to focus so little on them. A small portion of the city had been destroyed, but it still stood.

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Vakam tried to make contact with Movum Keep, a wicked smile was on his face.

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Esan walked the battlefield of the chaos, and stabbed his blade into a dying “warrior” smiling at the sound of the dying elites last breath. Finally he received the communication request.

“I see you have survived the chaos.” Esan said

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Vakam laughed “i seem to have killed someone important, they fled almost immediately as they came” Vakam said

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“They ignored us for the most part, we barley had a taste of battle.”

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“i seem to have played my cards right, but i believe they will be back for more soon, they have a swarm of millions of fighters patrolling the area around my state” Vakam said

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“Do you require reinforcements?”

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“for now i do not think i will need them” Vakam said.

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“Hmmm, understood…now we prepare for Damo, this war is not yet over.”

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Catina sent The Shadow of Qikost another com. “That was them. Fancy designs painted on their ships, and Sangheili more eager to run away than you could imagine.” Catina said.

“And now I am free to ask you something important.” Catina added. “Nos Leygall. Do you know his fate, alive or dead after The Last Regiment’s betrayal? The SoS forces at Titanus chose to stay and fight, after the rest of us stole everything we could from The Darkstar III.”

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a Sangheili with a hydra tattoo bumped into Atan on his way by.

“Halt!” Tallium shouted

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Atan gave out an order as he followed the tattooed elite, soon He was surrounded by his honor guard as Atan stood behind him. “You are no Sangheili of Movum Keep. That is for sure.” Atan said as the guards aimed their weapons straight at his head.

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“We came to speak to someone at Borli Keep.” Leo said to them as he got his sword handle out.


Atan began to notice this was not the only hydra tattoo. Two of his honor guards sported the symbol. Many of the surrounding Sangheili displayed theirs. As the Black Moon attack receded, Alphon’s began. He strode up from the ocean, flanked by dozens of augmented Sangheili. “You shall surrender now!” Shouted the one in front. “You can cut off what you believe to be the head of the Hydra, but be wary, for two will return in its place.”

“Come, Damo is unavailable. We shall call to Valiynna. Follow us.” Tallium ordered.

Grace smiled at the flag Stalrus held. “That’s pretty.”

“Thank you, I made it with the skin of our enemies and had the females sow the color into it.” Stalrus said cheerfully. Grace shyed away to Spetz.

“Spetz… These guys are crazy…” She whispered fearfully.

Bloated bodies began to wash up on the shores of Saham, what they reasoned as being from Tarion’s crashed ship.

“Brother Ab’don, Grongar, you must come here. I can take over your assault with Agnus.” Lorang said over comms.

“Grongar has fallen in battle, as well as many of our forces. Come here, and once you can continue the assault, I shall go where you wish.” Ab’don said. He trusted Lorang, almost as much as Urze.

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The traitorous Sangheili we’re heavily outnumbered in general. Soon shields began to cover all of Movum Keep.

“Uncle! They have come!” Atan said over the comms as he prepared his sword and his loyalist attacked the traitors.

“What?!” Esan said in confusion. “■■■■!” Soon the center of the city that was a large training ground began to rumble, the floor then spread apart into two as something began to rise.

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Catina ignored him, watching the short lived battle and sending The Shadow of Qikost a com.

Ugh! She thought after hearing Stalrus explain his flag made from the skin of his enemies. How very un-Sangheili. And I thought the SoS developing a better than thou attitude lately was bad.

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Explosions rocked the ground of Movum as many of the other hydra tattooed operatives made their presences known.

“Alphon, I have acquired the machine.” One of the dormant “”"“dishonorable as heck”""" machines that Movum took from Borli began to walk. The mech began to target enemy armor, shredding and tearing its way through the city.

Alphon ignited his sword and approached Atan. “Naion.” He declared.

Agnus and Lorang arrived, ready to begin a tactic that would surely break Sotuv. Their fleets of fighters deployed defensively.

Ab’don and the remainder of Grongar’s forces retreated to the South pole.

Lucius walked to Beth. “The armor suits you.”

there was no response to Catina for a few moments “and who is this?” the speaker asked.

“thanks” Beth said


Before they could even take the machine two scarabs were guarding it as they decimated the potential thieves, not allowing them to have to it.

(and I see I’m the one getting screwed over 3 ways.)

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