Horrifying Revelations

I thought the Bohrok = transformed Av-Matoran was creepy enough, but this….

Realizing if you ever want to build Charger that you’ll have to mutilate pieces.
(Unless an awesome 3D designer can render us those pieces for print?) :eyes:

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This work?

I’m not quite sure what I’m doing when it comes to 3d printing, so let me know if there’s issue with scale or file type or something.


Holy cow what a saint, that deserves it owns post tbh

It turns out there’s actually a concrete answer to this. The movie might not be clear on it, but the novelization is:

The shadowy side of Takutanuva reached out a hand. A powerful pulse of dark and light energy shot out from his fingertip, blasting into Jaller’s mask.

Hahli stepped back as the mask took on a life of its own. As she watched in amazement, Jaller’s body quickly regenerated from the mask —his head, his body, his legs bursting into existence out of nothing. A dim glow lit up the eyes behind the mask, and a moment later Jaller fell backward weakly.

The novelization is admittedly semi-canon, but I believe that only applies to the parts that contradict the movie, which this description does not.

So that means Jaller’s old body was still around, which gives three options:

  • Jaller was revived on the Red Star
  • Jaller’s body was abandoned on Mata Nui just out of reach of the Red Star’s systems
  • Jaller’s body was stripped down for parts to make boats and damaged beyond repair

I don’t think we can get a concrete answer on what happened past this, but I know I personally think the first option is the most exciting, storywise. Bonus points if he was only revived after being partially disassembled for parts.


The first one is the most exciting but I don’t think it’s possible, given that he died outside of the MU. Maybe there are quotes on the fate of the North March and other Matoran who died on the island?

It has been confirmed that Matoran who died on the island were not revived, due to being outside the Matoran Universe:

However, Jaller died at Kini-Nui, which is part of the robot itself. To me, that means his revival from that spot is possible.


How has not a single person in 15 years (including myself) noticed that Kongu briefly died in Mahri Nui? From Legends 8: Downfall:



I might be looking too far into this, but at the same time, I can’t imagine Carapar would just knock Kongu out and leave him there, and “reviving” generally has a pretty specific meaning.


Kongu, sharing his adventures with an excited group of matoran.

One matoran in the front: Did you die?

Kongu: Sadly, yes… but I lived!


Not nessecarily. I think it’s using “reviving” to mean “recovering” or something similar

Though it would be pretty funny if he died and just casually respawned :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, that’s where I’m thinking I could be overthinking it. I considered that definition, but “fallen” in reference to a battle almost always means dead, and, as I said before, I can’t see that Carapar would would just knock Kongu on the head and leave it at that.

Grammatically it could mean that Kongu was just knocked out, but it could also grammatically mean that he was dead, and, given the context and the more common use of each word (“fallen” and “reviving”), that seems more likely.

And it’s entirely possible too, given that we’re dealing with the Mask of Life.

I suppose we could ask Greg what his intentions were with those lines, but that was 15 years ago.

EDIT: I suppose there’s also the possibility that it was worded vaguely on purpose because Lego didn’t want one of their main characters dying violently in battle. Yes, Matoro had just died as well, but there’s a big difference between “character nobly gives up his life to save his friends” and “character gets overpowered and killed while fighting for his life”.


Well, it could be that Carapar knocks him out with a single punch, then assumes Kongu to be dead since he doesn’t get up. It would honestly make a lot of sense, since at that time Jaller’s powering up for a Nova Blast, and that would become quite apparent once he has all the water boiling around him. Carapar and the rest would be too focused on escaping to care about finishing Kongu off, especially if he’s unresponsive.

If he did die, that would grant the Mahri the lowest survival rate of any canon team, with four deaths between six individuals


The Barraki, per Pridak’s instructions, were all barrelling towards Jaller to stop him from cooking the whole sea for miles around.

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Hold up. So we’re talking about Kongu, and we all know about Matoro. So who are the other two?


Jaller was killed by a Turahk on Mata Nui as a Matoran and was then revived by Takutanuva, and Matoro had previously temporarily sacrificed himself as a test (though he didn’t know it at the time) on the 777 Steps.


There’s also The Kingdom, where Hewkii died buying time, but obviously that’s a different dimension


For me a horrifying reveletaion (but in a good way) was how much of a powerhouse team Toa Hagah were.
Just two of their members Norik and Iruini fought their way through hordes of Visorak, Exo-Toa, Dark Hunters and defeated them all. In fact nearly all of the Exo-Toa were thrashed in the conflict. Then these two already exhausted Toa battled Teridax himself! And they STILL stalemated him, forcing the Brotherhood leader to retreat. Teridax was so badly weakend by this battle that he lost most of his power for the next 300 years - the only reason this did not matter to him more was that he needed a small, weak form anyway to impersonate Dume. All that lightning show he put up after his revelation, all the power he absorbed from the Metru Nui power plant pylons… that was how much power Norik and Iruini depleted from him 300 years ago during their fight. He did that to finally replenish. Let that sink in…
They were trully the elite :ok_hand:


It’s also worth mentioning that I’m wrong and the Toa Mangai take the cake by a mile

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