Island of Mystery(RP Topic)

“No but then again the Matoran universe was made by the Great Beings a species who could feel love.” He says,
“Still they didn’t program the life they created with the feeling to love, why? my personal belief is that the Matoran universe was made in this way to make the Great spirit robot more effective as it’s inhabitants won’t make irrational decisions due to something like love.” He explains.

@Kirathel Hel’rion quickly stops reading Inverse’s mind as he finds nothing worth while to read there. “Could you give me your name, at least?” He asks.

“Yes, but still. This is just immoral. If he can’t feel feelings like love, why would he feel something at all? In this way, he could do even more irrational decisions.”

@Toa_Vladin “No, since most beings like humans strive to be rational and love makes them irrational since it makes them egotistic, this is not a bad thing in of it self but if you where to put the ten most influential scientists on a track and one of your relatives on another track, the two tracks intersect at a switch, when used the switch it changes the route of the main track to either the scientist or your relatives track, also there is a train speeding down the main track your choice is to save either the ten people you have no connection to or your relative but you have a time limit that restraints you from saving everyone, who do you save?” he explains,
“You’ll save your relative since that person has some sort of importance to you but the rational decision, in this case, would be to save the ten scientists.” He concludes,
“Also Bionicle’s can feel empathetic love, like the love you share with a close friend or with your best friends.” He adds after a bit.

Symphony walks out of the cavern entrance and sees the giant dragon.
He looks at it, and sighs,
“I don’t what you heard, but I’m not running a homeless shelter, plus you can’t even fit through the doorway.”
The Dragon looks at Symphony with a question mark on his face.

@BrokenAxels OOC: Didn’t see your message until now sry M8! good morning btw

IC: Azure nods back, “Well isn’t this nice? the fire and all the sunrise.” she says indicating that morning is upon them soon.

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Ooc- it’s cool

Ic- Echo nods, realizing neither of them slept. “indeed it is nice”

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Azure relaxes and watches the sky, she dreams away forgetting about the cold and the fire.

“This example is stupid! This is emphatic love too! We are talking about romantic love here. Plus, they don’t need other feelings if they are made only to do their jobs in the MU. They could be mindless robots, and this would be even better! This is why Vlad and I introduced love in our universe.”

“I have nothing against romantic love, just to make myself clear.” He says defensively “Also there is in my opinion not really a reason for it to exist in his world it doesn’t give anything more to the story.” he continues, “Also if you want to have love in your universe go for it I’m not gonna stop you.” He concludes

“Excuse me? Love is one of the main reasons for different actions to happen! You don’t watch movies?”

The dragon looks at the metallic being. He bellows,
“I’m looking for two fauns, who I tasked with caring my son…”
Symphony looks at him,
“What is a faun? I might be know them.”

“I watch movies!” Bernard exclaims, “Anyhow why are we arguing about this, as I have said I don’t have any problem with love at all but in a story I believe love should be handled like a side story thing between characters or be left out.” He calmly explains.

“I understand this but… Wait a minute… I think I know why you truly didn’t add love in your story…”

“Why didn’t I add love in my story?” He unwillingly asks. She’s gonna say it’s because I have a broken heart or something. He thinks to himself.

“Well let’s see. Same reason Vlad didn’t wanted. Because you are a freak who wastes his entire life in his bedroom, playing video games, watching movies and/or anime and who can’t even talk to a girl. Or at least this is what you think about yourself. Is it right? Maybe this is the reason you keep mocing at your age: because instead of spending your time with friend, or girls, you preferred to continue your story with your mocs. I can bet that Tarkur was one of your very first mocs, and that he was your ‘hero’ when you was young. You loved him a lot, and now you don’t want him to ‘suffer’ how you suffered, because you was too stupid to talk to a girl. And now you are making up reasons to hide this. ‘I want to follow the cannon as much as possible.’, said the one who literally created a new team of Toa Metru. Believe me, my mother is a psychologist, and she told me a few things about lying. And now you will say that everything I said is wrong. I expect this. Meh, is your lose. At least Vladin and Athena don’t live in a loveless live, just because I and Vlad were afraid to manifest our feelings, at least in a fantasy word. Vlad was just like you ‘No, sis! No love! They are robots’. He watched movies, he was playing video games and he didn’t have a girlfriend but now he is the opposite, just because he stopped lying himself.”

Ooc- someone’s salty


@Toa_Vladin “It’s true!” He teases, “In all seriousness now your just generalizing me as some typical “nerd”, I hate that term btw” He says the last part in disgust, “I’m gonna say your not all wrong, I don’t sit around all day doing nothing of importance, I do these stuff out of enjoyment just as much as other people hang out and do stuff together, In the core of all things we seek enjoyment out of them.” He continues, “I may not have many friends or a girlfriend none the less but the friends I’ve got are friends for life, one day I might find that one girl in particular that I might settle down with but for now I will live in the now doing whatever makes me happy!” He explains some more his tone growing more confident as he speaks. “I’m no stranger to love, I have felt that particular attraction to someone before, even thou I can’t say it worked out I’m still glad about me feeling it once, Love isn’t something I want to escape from nor something I fear, It’s something I embrace.” He says quite confident in his own way. “I never made Tarkur as a kid, he was first created when I was 15 years and he was the result of many different self mocs that changed from year to year and never got developed in to fully fledged characters.” He tells her about Tarkur’s origins “Tarkur’s backstory and world was never created because it would be an environment to which I could escape, Tarkur and his world was created through two mayor factors, the first being that Tarkur’s backstory was an adaptation of my hardships in a way that they could be explained in his world, the second factor depended almost just on the fact that 2004 was my favourite year for Bionicle and I liked the idea of Metru Nui, the Vahki, also all my favorite characters was from that years story like Lihkan, Vakama and Matau to name a few.” He says almost triumphantly, “If you want to believe I’m some sort of a “nerd” that sits in all day doing nothing “important” with his life, then you’re wrong I’m currently studing design and product development to be able to one day get that position at LEGO I always dreamed off, I don’t think you’ll understand why Bionicle is so important to me, why LEGO is so important to me, no one has and no one probably ever will but it makes me happy to do these things and therefore I will continue doing it until the day I die!” He concludes with a honest tone and with words that are truly from his heart. What he had said was not only reassuring for him but they also hurt as he pinpointed a truth in that he said. “Can’t talk to girls… huh? I’m talking to you am I not?” He teases.

@BrokenAxels OOC: Yeah! And now I just fueled the fire! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :sunglasses:

@Toa_Vladin OOC: Have a nice read! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hepohepo taps his foot. He snaps his fingers, and the drones and Corruption teleport with him to wherever Eric is. “Hi, we kinda needed you for a bit of a conversation, hope you don’t mind.”

Runa meditates more.

Energy Counters: 44

Arsenal walks around, looking for people.

Nameless readies to find another victim, as night has once again fallen upon the world.

Coron watches Inverse converse with the new being.

Eric looks at the unexpected arrivals, and really hopes that Hepohepo did something so that Corruption doesn’t die in the anti-corruption field. “Ok…”

Unexpected sees the teleport,
"Well, it was nice talking to you. He hums as flies around.