Hiya, this is about a 40-Year-Old Kanae sport that was previously discussed in this topic.
Games happen over stadiums – 8 floating islands with a trampoline-like net for fun/safety.
There is one ball - the Bryha, a small Rahi (snitch). The Bryha is used to end the current of the three game segments. A segment lasts a maximum of 20 minutes, but the catching of the Bryha prematurely ends it. Players are put into teams. There are three roles - The spinners, who guard the three hoops at their end of the field while riding Rohtuka discs, the Spirits, who try to fly through the opposing teams hoops to gain points with Gukko suits, and the Ender (For now), who looks for the Bryha and tries to get it before the opposing team on a glider. There are 7 players on each team.
Rules :
1 - There are 7 players per team, for a total of 14 players in-game. Positions on teams are as follows:
Spinners (2): defend the hoops used for scoring.
Spirits (4): attempt to score points for the team.
Ender (1): responsible for prematurely ending each segment.
2 - Equipment is as follows for each player:
Rhotuka (Spinners): disc-like equipment meant for gliding and blocking players from scoring.
Gukko-Suits (Spirits): aerodynamic suits used for Gukko players to fly.
Glider (Ender): used for high-speed flight to catch the Bryha.
Bryha (Ender): small, bird-like Rahi used to prematurely end segments.
3 - Matches are comprised of 3 segments, each segment lasting a maximum of 20 minutes. The Ender can prematurely end each segment by capturing the Bryha.
4 - Points are scored by Spirits flying through hoops, which are guarded by the Spinners. Spinners are allowed to fly in front of Spirits to block their path of travel using the underside of the Rhotuka.
5 - Physical contact is allowed, such as pushing or grappling, but damage to equipment results in the player(s) responsible being ejected from the game. Players ejected must be replaced.
I just posted a response on that other topic, but I’ll add it here too.
Maybe they use wingsuits for themselves, and move the ball with a small gust of wind. They could glide around the field with the ball riding on their updraft. Then when they get to the goal, they tilt their stream to blast the ball in. Opponents can try to use their own wind to knock the ball from one stream to the other, and take possession.
A disc could also work with this style of play, and may actually work better with staying on an updraft.
I would suggest doing your best to aggregate what we have so far into the original post, otherwise I don’t see much point in this having its own topic.
Heck, you could even say they just ride Kewas around the field and hold the ball like normal.
Regardless of how it’s played (wind gusts or birds), a possible name could involve Kewa or Gukko (i.e. Kewa Toss, etc.) I only say this because of Onewa’s line in Mask of Light. “The toa squabble like gukko birds over a berry”. … So like Kanaens over a ball…
The ball used could be called the “berry,” but I’m not sure about using actual birds. Maybe the equipment they use to help them fly could be called “gukko suits,” “gukko packs,” or “gukko gliders”?
Yeah, I like the wingsuit version better than birds. I just figured I’d list it as another option.
I’m not sure how well some kind of equipment would work for them. It doesn’t seem fitting to have them wearing a pack or other contraption to let them fly. The whole gliding on their own stream (wingsuit or simple glider) sounds better for their lifestyle of carefree attitudes.
What are we going to do for the snitch or are we? The only thing I have thought of so far is the way college teams do it IRL, someone dresses in gold and runs away with an amulet the seekers must recover. This in turn made me picture Eljay protecting the snitch because of his golden Miru, lol.
1 - Here’s an idea:
Before the start of the game, players choose the amount of minutes the game will last, but it can be no shorter than three minutes less than the amount of players in the game, and no longer than 6 minutes more than the player count. Instead of the Bryha ending the game, it shortens the time that is left till the game ends by an eighth of the original time (example ; 16 and 2.) Whichever team has the most point by the end of the game wins.
2 - Ohhh Shnaayup i forgot about that lol
The glider could be either in a backpack or it could be this :
It seems unnecessary for the length of time to be shortened by a fraction of the original time. I could see one of two possible alternatives to this, which would require the Bryha to be extremely difficult for even the most skilled players to catch.
The match is divided into three segments. The catching of the Bryha ends each segment. Therefore, the catching of three Bryha ends the match.
The match can last for a maximum of 60 minutes, but the catching of the Bryha prematurely ends it.
Either one of them, as long as there is a proper translation into LEGO system.
Paging @RAKRONDEWL@UltimateMustacheX@jayzor17@Levva: What if they rode windboards instead? Like surfing in the air. That leaves their arms with a full range of motion, and they can more easily turn and navigate as well as balance.
I like either the surf boards, or the wingsuits (I just remembered that they use those in Legend of Korra later in ther series). Of the two, I like the wingsuits more, but I’m fine with either.