Lego Message Boards Closing & Q&A Topic Saving Contest

No, but we are intelligent enough to not get onto a tangent regarding the deliciousness of living cookies on a forum topic about the LMB closing :wink:


Meh, we all know which one is more important…

Just a bite?


@Eljay Just a quick question to clear things up (and it might seem like a dumb question):

When the message boards close down, that doesn’t mean that Biosector01 won’t have that information, it just means that the link to Greg’s answer topic under “External Links” won’t work and people can’t check to make sure the info is 100% accurate, right?


I’m almost halfway done downloading the around 866 pages. Not sure if I’m close to people who haven’t had school in the way and could download all day, though.

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Eh, I’m about halfway through, too, and I don’t have school in the way. So I’d say you’re doing just fine. Besides, I imagine the thread will be added onto right up until Feb. 28.

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So I was uploading 50 pages at a time to Google Drive, when all of a sudden the method I was using failed and I was blocked from accessing the servers. It seems like Lego has caught onto me and banned me from accessing and finishing the set. I’m trying a workaround now, but it’s still up for grabs.


It’ll probably be up for grabs for quite a while. At least until people stop posting on the topic thread or until it’s rendered read only by Lego.

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I have the html pages if that helps. The scrips and stylesheets looked shared so you could probably use the ones you already have to make the site work.

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@Eljay Found a workaround the server ban. Going steady now and it’s auto-organizing rather nicely too.

Should be done in an hour or so. Then it goes up to Dropbox. Good luck to everyone else!

Here’s photo proof it’s working. Took a pic of the first 3 as a test.

Edited for double-post. --John Smith


You’ll need to keep going until the topic becomes read-only. Just because it’s the end of the world doesn’t mean that we’re going to stop asking Greg what colors the Toa Hagah were. :stuck_out_tongue:


wget is how I didit also. The URL are formatted really nicely so you can just do a loop and change the page number.

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Sent a PM to Eljay! Completed the challenge!

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For those interested I have a script running that’s backing up Chat with Greg Farshtey on It should be done in the next few hours.


Why would anyone send a PM to themselves.


Not sure what you’re referring to - I just informed Eljay (and the board members) that I sent him a link to the archived list.

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The way you formatted your message says

“Eljay Sent a PM to Eljay!”

Instead of doing it like this

“Sent a PM to @-Eljay!”


Alrighty then, I got a 99% complete backup of the topic as of now. A couple pages are missing (easily fixed) and so are most member profile pictures (also easy) but other than that all of the content and formatting is identical to the original. A quick update after the boards go read-only and it’s good to go!


Oh, huh. Looks like @Eljay on my end…

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Hey guys, don’t pointlessly @ the cast members. It gets annoying for them.


Apologies - the first time was just to let him know I finished the challenge.

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