This is awesome. It reminds me a lot of the Nether from Minecraft.
Hey that’s pretty good I mean it looks perfect as a collector set if G3 did happen.
Awesome work. But what type of material is this supposed to be made of?
dunno some kind of brown stone.
For some reason I thought it was supposed to be wood, which made me sceptical…
Sir! The castle is burning!
What?! That’s impossible! It’s made of wood!
… Sir?
Wood floats on water, so it obviously floats on lava too.
… y- yes sir…
You, sir, have won the comment of the day
I don’t think the brown fits, it does come across a bit wood-y, I think black with metru red highlighting would work better personally.
I think a darker red would go better with the structure itself, but this is otherwise well done. I like that you decided to implement the environment itself into the piece, adding a bit more intrigue to the overall design.

tried it and it doesn’t look that good with those colors
maybe this
What if you swapped the colors for the fortress around (black to red, red to black)?
I love this with all my heart, really and truly. The colours are simple, clean, and ultimately amazing looking.