Hello there! This is the topic in which all of my MOCs pertaining to the island of Obliti Nui will go (P.S. I made up the island). I will, eventually post the backstories of the characters and story of the island later on. (For those of you who want a clue, “forgotten” in English translates to “obliti” in Latin).
Toa Nui
First is Toa Nagreth, Toa of Fire!
Ok, I will be short and to the point here. Besides the standard points of articulation, he also has waist articulation. He wears the Kanohi Radi, the Mask of Knowledge, which allows him to keep information about people or things he has encountered. He can ride his lava board or can split it into two swords, which he holds, and extra armor (which can be stored on his back). Lastly, when in lava board mode, the fins are in the “in” position when not in use, and can turn into the “out” position when he is actually on the board. I do admit, this is kind of wobbly and the armor on his chest and shoulders can rotate, which is really annoying.
Toa Obliti
None, yet
Here are two Onu-Matoran, The one on the left is Drasnu (a male) and the one on the right is Gulsa (a female).
First of all I want to apologize for the blurry pictures of Gulsa. Also I want to mention that for these MOCs (as well as the other MOCs on this topic) I tried to make them so that they would mimic real Lego sets found in stores today (ex: the red axles on these matoran (also I didn’t want to use a lot of my black axles just for matoran MOCs ). As for the Matoran themselves, they consist of all standard points of articulation (including elbow and knee articulation) plus waist articulation. I have to admit that the articulation points on Gulsa are weird, and that’s because I didn’t want to make these Matoran MOCs into clone MOCS. I wanted to do something different for each. Their weapons were fun to build, and to be honest, don’t have that much else to them.
None, yet
This category includes Turaga Nagreth (which I built before the Toa himself)
When creating the Turaga MOC I strived for a kind of beasty look. He is Also much shorter than his toa version. This was inspired by the Tanama’s sword pieces which I used for the front robes of the Turaga; Also, I used the Bohrok Kal hood for the back of the robe. He also has 2 points of waist articulation, but no knee articulation. Lastly, his upper staff part can clip to the lower staff part when he is not attacked. This was my first real good MOC so, again, it is kind of wobbly and very skinny at some points but I think I did well. Thanks for looking!
(P.S.I have art you can check out too! )